[i][color=00aeef]Really... Is this it?? Just measly tin cans??[/color][/i] Missouri said to himself as he fluently moved with quick ease managing to avoid a consecutive series of hooks and straight punches being thrown at him by two robots. Missouri had manged to just keep the attention of only these two as the others took on the mainly the bulk of their robot opponents. Now Missouri didn't disregard this training as completely nothing, but he'd hoped for little more... [i]lively[/i] opponents to test his combat skills against. As he dodge a right hook from the robot to his left, the right one went in for a tackle at his waist. Seeing the robots intent Missouri then sought to end them quickly. He pulled out his combat knife then jumped into the air flipping sideways mid-air over the robot. [color=00aeef][i]All too easy.[/i][/color] He grinned under his helmet, as he threw his serrated combat knife into the skull of the robot that was on his left. As he landed with ease he wasted no time as quickly he sprinted at the same robot and grabbed onto the the handle of the blade and forcefully twisted the robots head in a neck breaking motion. As he yanked the blade out of the destroyed helmet, not even waiting for it to fall down to the ground, he flipped backwards into the air, landing feet first onto his last opponents back and brought down the blade onto the robots neck and twisted it. The sparks shot out the robots neck while it twitched for a moment then laid motionless on the ground. [color=00aeef][i]Shame that this is the first test.[/i][/color] He thought to himself as he pulled the blade out placing it back into the seethe on his chest. Jumped up onto a broken pillar and took a seat as he watched on the rest of them finish off what remained of their enemies with slight boredom.