[quote=@NorthernGR] Reporting in from advanced. So I too think I have a character concept in mind. I'm planning on making a journalist/reporter. But I'm running it by you real quick just in case because of the "Participant Disclosure Agreement" and because in the original post you said that the scientist would be selecting people who thought the letter was completely for real and weren't going to ask questions. [/quote] Howdy! Glad to see you here. Well, I really don't want to deter people from playing characters they want to play! The age limit is my only hard-and-fast rule regarding characters, really. As you may have surmised, these scientists may be bright in some ways, but definitely not in others. Just look at the horrible clipart they chose for the envelope. So tacky. Sheesh... Anyway, their spies that were doing the recon for them may or may not be working for them simply because they aren't good enough to get a job elsewhere. They may have totally overlooked your character's career, or thought him/her not competent enough (no offense, just suggestions!), or some other reason. Heck, maybe one of the spies is a double agent and really does want the word to get out, so they contacted your character. This is a pretty open RP. If you really have your heart set on a journalist, it's fine by me! Maybe your character doesn't ask questions because he/she wants to get this story and is excited about going "undercover" to report his/her first big break. Maybe they are worn out and are happy for the chance at a vacation, even if it does sound fishy. They're tough, they can handle anything thrown at them...right? Or maybe they just want to prove to the world (or themselves) that they are tough? The possibilities are endless! As for avoiding "disqualification" with telling others, it might be fun to have things keep going wrong whenever your journalist tries to get word out to the outside about the goings-on on the "island." The scientists' test monkey could eat his/her notes, the cafeteria robot could wrangle it from his/her pocket and drop it in the mashed cauliflower, or some other shenanigans. It's up to you, really. I hope that answers your question! Sorry for the novel of a post. I have had far too much pudding in the past few minutes and am in one of my silly moods.