A high-pitched squeaking sound immediately had Garagogarag's attention. He scanned the cart for the source of the noise. At first, he thought it was a new sound the sickly Skytalon had somehow managed to create, but another coughing fit soon made it apparent that it was not. The squeak rose a third time and the Treeman's eyes honed in on the she-elf who had spoken up before. There was a fairly small Tree-Clinger holding on to her. He knew that sound was familiar! Tree-Clingers were a fairly common sight back home, thought they preferred to stay up in the tree and - as their name suggested - cling to trees all day. They were a most fascinating animal indeed...or at least they were if one had the patience and interest to observe them sleep, trek for hours from one end of a branch to another, before sleeping again. In fact, this very Tree-Clinger appeared to be making itself perfectly at home on the she-elf's arm and about to go to sleep. Garagogarag made to stand, so as to approach the she-elf and inspect the Tree-Clinger more closely, but the carriage creaked dangerously below him and a few shouts from some of the others - particularly the Thunderhoof - forced him to remain seated. The cart may have been big and reinforced, but it was certainly not designed to have him walking wherever he wished, and there was not enough space for that anyway, now that he thought about it. [color=f7941d][i]What in the world were you planning to do? Hug it? It's a damn sloth! You must be desperate if even a sloth draws your interest. But then again, with this company, I don't exactly blame you...[/i][/color] the child gave the elf who had spoken earlier a cutting glare as its thoughts trailed off into a tirade about all these cocky, arrogant, good-for-nothing idealists who walk around like they defecate gol... With that, Garagogarag decided it to be a good idea not to listen in on [i]that[/i] particular tirade. He turned back to the orc who was now speaking to the elf. 'Kamnar Murug-kah,' he was saying, 'that is what I am called, but Kamnar is sufficient.' Garagogarag had seen many orcs, but he had never conversed with them. This one seemed rather more willing to speak than them, and its aura was not quite so savage or hostile. If anything, it seemed quite...thoughtful. Thoughts were not something one could see, but there was something in this one's eyes. It thought alot. Perhaps this thoughtfulness came with the experience it had before being enslaved, but Garagogarag felt it was deeper than that, this thoughtfulness was much deeper than a mere event, it seemed to have a permanent place in the Orc's eyes, and its brows were constantly ever so slightly furrowed with thought - perhaps it was completely unconscious. Kamnar Murug-kah was an interesting Orc. Very interesting. It was one to watch. The child on his shoulder, though Garagogarag did not see it, was probably rolling its eyes as him as it made a jibe about his tastes when it came to what was [i]interesting[/i] and was not. Garagogarag cocked his head at that, the child raised an interesting point about his personality, he would have to think about it. But it was very interesting. He found himself thinking once more about the Skytalon's words and his own earlier thoughts about his relationship with this child. He did not believe it was something he needed to tell the others about or explain. It was not that he was a very private individual - quite the contrary - but he knew just as much about this strange bond as anyone else in the cart. Perhaps that was a bit of an exaggeration, but it was pretty close to the truth. [color=1a7b30][b][i]Can you go to the Tree-Clinger now?[/i][/b][/color] he suddenly asked the child. It responded with a quizzical look. [color=f7941d][i]What makes you think I ever agreed to go to the sloth in the first place?[/i][/color] the child's thoughts were as disdainful as ever. Garagogarag stared longingly at the Tree-Clinger before looking back at the child with [url=http://media.giphy.com/media/sXv0vaA4331Ti/giphy-facebook_s.jpg]a wide-eyed, appealingly innocent gaze.[/url] The child's eyes widened and it visibly paled at the sight before it. [color=f7941d][i]What in the world are you doing! Put that horrific thing away![/i][/color] [color=f7941d]'By the gods! My eyes!'[/color] Garagogarag blinked a few times, wondering what had been so terrible as to warrant the child to actually speak. It peeked back at him and was relieved to find that whatever face the Treemind had been making was now - thankfully - gone. [color=f7941d][i]'Never do that again!'[/i][/color] It attempted to whack Garagogarag on the head with its tiny fist, but only winced and brought its hand to its chest and rubbed it, [color=f7941d][i]'if looks could kill, I'd be a decomposing elf or two.'[/i][/color] As the child looked away, having caught the attention of most in the cart with the display, it gave the golden-haired elf a wishful look, as if saying that it only wished there was a certain decomposing elf sitting right there... The Skytalon stared at the two with mouth - or rather, beak - agape, its coughing fit forgotten. 'Guessing you're not that little demon's adoptive father after all, eh big fellah?' the comment cemented the poor Skytalon's position as the next victim of the child's glare. It gave an uneasy, clicky laugh before falling into another coughing fit. Garagogarag sighed, this certainly was not going to make either himself or the child all that popular with the others. [color=f7941d][i]Never said I want to be popular with this lot[/i][/color], the vehement thoughts of the child came. No, Garagogarag had not been left with any doubts about that. Shaking his head, Garagogarag spoke. [color=1a7b30][b]'We Apologise. Child is Unsettled. It is Irked by Strangers,'[/b][/color] he paused, knowing that his deep, powerful voice had reached everyone in the cart. It was a good opportunity to test his speaking and get introductions out of the way. [color=1a7b30][b]'We are Garagogarag Ogorogo. Great Tree-Claw of the Treeminds,'[/b][/color] he turned to Kamnar, [color=1a7b30][b]'you honour us with your name,'[/b][/color] he allowed his eyes to turn to the elf and quickly took in the others before continuing, [color=1a7b30][b]'will all those here honour us so? It is good to know one another.'[/b][/color] His gaze fell on the she-elf and the Tree-Clinger. [color=1a7b30][b]'Especially you to whom the Tree-Clinger clings.'[/b][/color]