[center] [b]Name:[/b] Blake Smith [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Grade:[/b] Junior [b]Codename:[/b] [color=39b54a][i]Phaser[/i][/color] [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Adrenaline Enhanceed[/i] - Blake has the gained abilty to manually control his adrenal glads and the output of adrenaline pumped into throughout his entire body system. Having this ability has it's own unqiue perks and risks when using this ability, for example whenever he feels a rush waving over him, he starts to feel he can move faster, spot and react to things faster. When this is combined with his skill of using hand weapons he is faster then any swordsman ever named in history, making his skills unmatched with this combination, but at the same time he is unable to stop the rush of strength and speed if he doesn't keep his mind mentally stable which could send him to the over the edge to insanity and only having the thought of gaining any type of excitement whether it was in the heat moment of battle or just the possible thought of killing [i]anything. . .[/i] [i]Plasma Energy[/i] - Blake has the ability of controlling the power of plasma, but he is only able to use it over his weapons giving of a green hue of burning energy over his weapons when used for enchantment, coating himself in it as well giving him an extra set protection and keeping others at bay or using it as a weapon it's self focusing the coverage of it on his hands and feet whenever needed to use it when he was out of a blades reach. Even with the use of the green plasma he could only use it on what he focused it on if he were to use it on all together it wouldn't be of any use as it would disperses with ease, but still causing a small amount of damage as well. [hider=Appearance] [img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/a975eaea8378163e2825a8129669f9fa/tumblr_n0yvxb2XLc1tr2dnxo1_500.gif[/img] He stood at 5'10 and weighed 195 pounds. His main attire consisted of any type of plaid shirts over his t-shirts with either a pair of black or blue jeans, or a pair of cargo shorts and he only liked Levi shoes, he never understood what was the big deal with owning a pair of Jordan's that ranged over two hundred dollars. [/hider] [hider=Costume] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/0a/8a/27/0a8a27e6ece3d20c78c7b5888798524f.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b] School clubs or achievements:[/b] Blake's hobby in Fencing and Sword-Dueling has been his favorite pastime whenever he isn't swamped with loads of schoolwork or exceptionally huge research projects. He has also, in secrecy from his family's judgment, has took his fair share in participating in some live action role playing events that took place in different parts in the city giving him a bit more wider range on the types of meele weapons used during the old years of Renaissance. There wasn't a bladed weapon he thought he wasn't capable of using." [b] Brief bio:[/b] Blake, he was a true to the heart geek, he might not look like it at all, but he was indeed a handsome looking one. from reading comics and learning the lore and backgrounds of his favorite heros and villains to having an entire collections on Greek mythology. It was his true passion, and that was something he was proud of being, but his parents they never understood why or when he was interested into the [i]weird[/i] things, they called it, he found joyful. They were still proud parents nonetheless of his accomplishments and seeing him getting ready for the next stage in his life after he graduated, that's if he got past his junior year without any distractions, then he'd be on his way to College. Blake was excited about the thought of soon being out of school as well and wanted to celebrate it, by going out to the party, which he was not invited to, but he went anyway.[/center]