As he watched Missouri leaping out of hiding and rip the heads off two of the robots Georgia carefully braced his rifle against his shoulder, preparing to make the shots he knew were coming. [color=f26522]"Penny in the air..."[/color] The sniper mumbled to himself, panning his scope down to watch the fallen robots as they slowly began to move. Settling himself down comfortably on top the pillar Missouri didn't even seem to notice the two headless droids lifting themselves up off the floor and reaching over for their rifles. The first shot went straight through the closest robot's chest, taking out the motherboard with a precise strike before continuing on and cutting through the second target's leg. Stumbling as it suddenly found itself trying to balance without the support of its missing limb the robot's rifle shot flew passed Missouri, missing by a foot. [color=f26522]"...and the penny drops."[/color] Georgia breathed softly, squeezing his finger a second time on the trigger of his high-powered anti-materiel weapon, causing the robot's chest to explode into fragments even as it corrected its aim, bringing its rifle to point at Georgia's teammate.