[colour=gold]“Sure if you want to break your neck,”[/colour] Luka said in response to Torie’s ludicrous notion of a money pool. He seemed possessed by the notion that if you piled it high enough it somehow gained liquid properties as opposed to its obvious solid ones. She smiled roguishly at him. As they headed towards their employers residence they were given an impromptu view of the town. It was not an encouraging sight. For starters it was not a pretty place, not like Magnolia. In fact it was giving her a really bad feeling that was putting her on edge, however she was careful not to let it show. She turned back to Torie and shook her head. [colour=gold]“You think he’s going to pay us if we don’t deliver him the keys?”[/colour] she said wryly to Torie in agreement with Mimi, his downcast expression lifting her spirits considerably, causing her to laugh out loud with a cheerful grin on her face. As for Iggy’s assessment of the situation Luka somewhat agreed, though as already stated she was only going along with it because she trusted his instincts. By the time they reached their employers residence Luka had more or less resigned herself to the most likely outcome of this ill-fated adventure, which surprisingly elevated her mood even further. Luka liked knowing what to expect, even when it was nothing pleasant. The sight of the generous spread of food on offer didn't hurt either. Her stomach rumbled loud enough to make her blush, shooting the others an expression that dared them to comment. A crackle of electricity from atop her staff a more visible, tangible threat of that warning. She made her way over to the table and found herself a chair, sitting down in a very delicate ladylike manner that seemed out of character considering her usual behaviour. She turned towards their employer and smiled cutely. [colour=gold]“Thank you for the hospitality Sir, we’ll try not to disappoint your expectations,”[/colour] she said in a soft, warm tone. The fact was that her last job had been for a noble house and she had spent what in hindsight seemed as unreasonable amount of time with her employer’s heirs. An interesting if not eccentric bunch to say the least. However she had learned a thing or two amount about the niceties of conversation that you simply didn't learn from boorish Fairy Tail wizards.