Kray made a right, and upon looking up the corridor, saw that the only other way was another right. He continued until he made it to the turn and stopped. Footsteps. He got low, and aimed one of his newly found crossbows at the corridor he was about to walk down, as that was where he heard them. A shadow. It appeared at the end of the hall, moving towards where his weapon was aimed. Immediately upon seeing his foe, he fired, and the bolt flew directly towards his head. Then he was gone. "What..." Kray looked around himself. I swear he was there. He thought. He, very reluctantly and slowly, began to move up to where he had saw him. The only thing here at this three way intersection was his bolt. A....clone? "That devil." He said upon realization. He grabbed his bolt and nocked it as he began to run back down the hall he came from. Turning the only possible direction, left, he continued to run doen the hall past where he originally came, and made another left, then slowed his pace. "Hes not catching this goblin. Not today."