Surveying the battlefield he could only see a few of these robots left. A loud horn could be heard over the gunfire and agents shouts. The robots shut down and stood to attention on the spot. The Directors voice then sounded over the intercom. [b]"Alright Agents that enough, You are dismissed for today. You will all be called to the medical bay and have your A.I.s implanted and your armour abilities activated individually today. Apart from this you are free to explore the installation, go to your room or mingle with the other agents. It's entirely up to you. However take the time to rest and hone your skills as we have a mission prepared for you once all the A.I.'s are implanted. This will be the real deal."[/b] Washington reloaded his AR and placed it on the magnetic grip on his back. He did the same with his newly named sticky launcher which he placed instead on the back of his torso. [b]"Well that was a bit nuts right? Those bots always manage to surprise with their resilience to gunfire. Makes you wonder why they don't use them instead right?"[/b] A female voice sounded over the intercom calling Washington to the Directors office. Heading there he knocked on the door hearing the Directors voice calling him in. [b]"Hello Agent Washington, I thought it would be best if we got you done first."[/b] [b]"Fine by me."[/b] Washington replied. The Director stood up and looked out his window it oversaw the canteen where a lot of the agents had congregated. [b]"Your A.I.. we will be implanting it into you shortly. However you need to sign this waver to agree to us cutting a small part of your brain out. Don't worry it's nothing you'll miss. Please remove you're armour as well."[/b] Pushing a paper and pen across his desk Washington took it in his hands and read over it quickly. He already had it in his mind that he wanted this A.I. so he did not hesitate to sign the paper. The director smiled. Pushing a cup with 3 pill in it. Washington took of his armour, placing it inside the crate that the Director pointed to and swallowed the pills taking the glass that the Director had just filled with water and downing it. The pill's effects took hold and Washington slumped in his chair. Waking up with a jolt he looked around he was in his room, and he had lost a good five hours. Getting up he massaged his pounding head. As he got up he noticed a movement on the end of his bed. Reaching for his gun he trained it on the end of his bed. [b]"Come out, or you're gonna be in a lot of pain"[/b] A small blue replica of himself appeared. It had exactly the same armour on as he had but was no larger than a Pint glass. [i]"Hey there, sorry I didn't mean to scare you. My name is Epsilon."[/i] Washington's eye were wide open as the blue man disappeared and reappeared on his shoulder. [i]"The Director implanted me inside a small chip located at the back of your head. You can if you wish remove me whenever you want. However the Director says that's a bad idea. It wont hurt your or anything, it's just The Director wants us in your heads all the time. He also had them activate your suits ability. You my friend have the ability of teleportation. You can move yourself or objects through spaces. It works in about a one mile radius. Please be aware that you cannot teleport big objects or more than one person if you try more than one you might end up leaving stuff behind. Like legs or internal organs."[/i] Washington smirked as he put his armour back on. [b]"Noted Epsilon. Tell you what buddy I think we're going to get along just fine."[/b]