Vanessa looked up and smiled softly at the man standing in front of her, she kept her place on the chair but did look in his eyes. ''My name is Vanessa. I am new in town.. And the smell of the blood from that girl he'' she said and pointed at Kalib for a second before continuing. ''carried all the way here from the dump kinda made me worry.. I am the same as you.. just two ranks lower.. I kinda followed my nose, first ended up at the dump where a pretty rude girl told me to back off simply by her way even though I tried to help.. and then I decided to see if I could help..'' she said and stood up this time, she was smaller than the Alpha in front of her and she did a small step back so she could easily look at him. ''My pack.. Family, was killed... I hope too find a new pack here... I used to be a beta but to survive I lowered myself too a omega'' she said, whispering so the humans in the room wouldn't hear what they where talking about. ''I didn't try to stick my nose in your business, though its hard when almost the whole town smells like it'' she said, the last bit as a joke and she smiled at him.