[center][b]Jet Li[/b] [i]Church On the Hill, Nave[/i][/center] [hr] As per the orders of his master, the strongest existence of this war had ventured towards the Church for meeting-related things. He had no car. He had no bike. All he had were his legs. Much like a samurai by the name of Jack, he would persevere in the face of adversity. Even if the law of the World were to turn against him, he would struggle against the tide. He was now a familiar, bound to a mask that was imprinted on this body, but he regretted nothing about his path. He had no regrets. How could one have regrets when their actions were necessary for the path they walked? All the same, in spite of this path, in spite of the soul he had thrown behind carving it out, he was simply another actor, bellowing about his Kung-Fu until he faded into naught. -But that was why he could continue forwards now. That was why, with every step he took, he could take the world into himself. Inhalation and Exhalation. Contraction and Expansion. Yin and Yang. World and Self. Yes, because that could be the only path for one who chased after that ideal, who chased after truly amazing Kung-Fu. If Bajiquan needs no second strike, then he would surpass even the truly amazing Kung-Fu of that man. But for now... All he could do was enter the Church. Would anyone recognize him? Maybe.