As Grace walked she scanned social media for anything useful. This celeb lost weight, the president yells at Congress... it was all starting to look like the normal stuff that rolled across her screen. Boring and mundane. She was tempted to go see what was happening downtown but at the same time she didn't feel like she wanted to get involved either. It had been a long, bad day already. She had let someone die under her watch. She just told herself that there wasn't much she could have done to prevent it from happening. It was a dragon and some kind of ifrit that had fried Mama Bear. What could she have done? Throw more pebbles? Grace sighed as she opened Twitter. The hashtags that were trending caught her eye. Pokerface was Gavin Hardesty? Grace looked at it again. No way could that be possible... and yet here it was. Rather than bother with the brawl downtown, Quake set off to investigate the Hardesty home for clues or even just a hint. Maybe she'd even pay her respects. Pokerface was the main reason she had become a hero really, he'd become the reason she bothered going to the police to solve Celveland's every simpering problem.Grace expected that sooner or later she'd have to go to a press event or something but looking at the news... all she wanted was to say her sorrows about his untimely end and see what he knew. Her walk regained its purposeful stride and she made good time and made it there quickly. As expected, the press had swarmed all over the area and were chomping at the bit for pictures.