[quote=@innertt] [center] [h1][b][u]Death Match[/u][/b][/h1] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9jtgpHQH61qe86q4o1_500.gif[/img] --- [indent][i]Welcome, participant. We apologize for the sudden intrusion but a congradulations is in order. You have been selected for the yearly Death Match! Now I'm sure you've never heard of this yearly sport, so let me explain. Every year, about 30 participants are selected to participate in a game of survival. A battle royale so to speak, the participants are pit against each other until only one is left alive. Yes, that's right, 'left alive' means you will be killing each other. How fun! Anyways, every participant has had a small microchip implanted in his head, behind his ear to be precise, that is linked to the participants vitals. It will continue to operate as long as the person is alive. This microchip will keep track of your vitals, location, etc. More importantly this microchip can be detonated remotely! If that happens, you will indeed die. Now, this would only happen if you broke the rules, ran out of time, or, god forbid, you started trying to get it out. Now, more about the rules. You will be given 60 days to reduce the number of participants to one. You will be left to your own devices to do this however you are not to leave the city. That would be breaking the rules and we know happens when you do that... Furthermore, If the 60 days end and there is more than one chip active, they will automatically detonate. So, if you want to live, you'll make sure you're the last one alive. Why is this happening? Why were you chosen? What will this all accomplish? I'm sure you have many questions, but I assure you they are all irrelevant. Once you leave here, all that will matter is your survival. Now, we are not so cruel as to leave you unarmed in the coming war. We will provide you with one random item that will hopefully be key to your success in this game. Though, you should be aware that every participant will receive one item, and some may be more useful than others. Tomorrow you will be contacted via text message more details. Good day and good luck![/i][/indent] --- Unaware to most of the population a vicious game is held every year. It is a death match where people are set against each other until only one is left alive. These players are all from the same city and are watched via hidden cameras and microphones planted throughout the city. The players are also equipped with a microchip that transmits various information to the viewers including what they see and hear. The viewers, all gamblers, make bets on the players throughout the game. Things get particularly exciting when the Game Masters throw in new obstacles for the players. What these things can be will vary- they can be helpful or dangerous depending on the situation. Before the game begins the participants are kidnapped and wake up in a white room with a man on a television screen before them. He explains most of the rules to the player. Once the man is done speaking a gas is released that will knock out the participant once more. When he wakes the next day he will have been returned to his home. From then on he will receive more information about the game via text message. --- [h3][b]Character Sheet[/b][/h3] [i]Character Image goes here[/i] [u]Username:[/u] [u][i]Your guild name goes here[/i][/u] [u]Character Name:[/u] [i]Your character's name goes here[/i] [u]Age:[/u] [i]Your character's age.[/i] [u]Gender/Sexuality:[/u] [i]Your character's gender and sexuality goes here[/i] [u]Personality:[/u] [i]Your character's personality goes here.[/i] [u]Occupation:[/u] [i]Your character's occupation goes here[/i] [u]Skills:[/u] [i]Any notable skills should be listed here[/i] [u]Biographry:[/u] [i]A brief description of your characters life goes here[/i] [u]Other:[/u] [i]Anything else goes here. Important friends/family? Smoker/Drinker? Any phobias? Etc.[/i] [/quote] In the character app form, it says something about guild name goes here. But I didn't read anywhere else about Guilds. How does Guilds work in this story?