As Aiden approached the clearing, one would see that he held over him a deep-seated melancholy, looking at his surroundings with a pained look. The jagged rocks and frigid winds reminded him of the night his legend was born, the terrible might of frenzied rage and despair. In fact, he was positive that just a little ways higher up was the cave where the Griffins had been nesting. The site of what many thought his greatest achievement, but what he knew to be his greatest failure. Turning his eyes to those around him for a split second, his knowledge that had been accumulated by his travels was able to tell him immediately who they all were., legendary heroes like him that had been sung about by the bards of their regions with great renown. But he didn't have time to consider the implications of this gathering of warriors, as the orbs suddenly flew off towards a town that was caught in the midst of a rolling inferno. While the others had rushed ahead into danger, he stayed behind, taking the time to analyze the situation even if every bone in his body was screaming at him to move in. He wasn't even sure if there was anyone down there to save. His eyes picked up movement among the burning buildings, shadows flitting about to and fro, but none of them were connected to a physical form. Aiden's eyes flickered over to one of the other legends as she called out the others for their actions before heading down herself. While she made an imposing figure, he could easily tell that if a strike was to come from the shadows behind her, it would be very bad indeed. To ensure this didn't happen, Aiden moved in behind her, keeping an eye out as he periodically cast his 'detect life' spell under his breath as he looked over his shoulder to make sure nothing came at her, his Naginata held at the ready. "This certainly coincidental that those orbs bring us to this town right when it happens to be on fire." Aiden said as he approached, speaking out loud for the most part, but also leaving it open for the Paladin to respond if she pleases. "Add on to that the shadow creatures that seem to be flitting about and this seems like it has the makings of either an elaborate trap, or the strangest cry for help I've ever seen. You wouldn't happen to have any idea what in Jergal's name is going on, would you?" [@Spawnling]