[quote=@Gareth] Frank was about to reply to SmithSage, "Oh Yeah, I do know you-" then Zenheil abruptly, got into a fight with two Golems. [i]Time to save some lives, he thought.[/i] He was about to help Zenheil as he called the switch when the girl who hadn't spoken to him yet ran up to the Golem and dealt significant damage with her glowing weapon. Just then he noticed the other Golem tried to do a sneak attack on SmithSage, "OH Hell no!" He yelled as he swung his Greatsword with both hands over his head in a vicious arc, while the blade itself glowed silver, and cut into the golem's shoulder taking off a small portion of its health, directing its attention on him. "How you guys doing,?" He called over his shoulder to [@Juka Gearsworth][@themadhatter420] [/quote] "Woah." said Smith as Frank pulled aggro of him. "Thanks. Just tell me when to switch in." He held his blade low and to the side, charging up for a series of upward strikes meant to knock the enemy down, leaving it open to a slower, more powerful attack. "Oh, and we still aren't in a party." he called.