[The teacher gives Ichiyo a quizzical look, but marks him present and gives him a smiling welcome anyway. He is, after all, her best student, as the only one who took the class for the actual material, rather than simply a filler course. On a given day, he's really the only one of the four paying attention and participating. Today's lesson is on India's Pogeyan, the cat that comes and goes like the mist. Half of the students have laid their head down and begun resting, but the teacher pays them no mind, teaching to the two who remain awake.] *sits upright and attentive, slight smile on his face, and writes notes about the phantom cat in his book, scribbling small drawings of mediocre quality in the margins. Imagines what it would be like to be the Pogeyan, trying to survive in a hostile environment and constantly escaping capture by the locals while feeding on their wildlife. Wonders if perhaps there could be more than one, but becomes sidetracked and chuckles as an image of the cryptid as scribbled in his notes chases a similarly styled chicken across his mind's eye* [Eventually the bell rings and, with not much of import learned but much gained in the way of satisfaction, Ichiyo stands and bows to the teacher, then collects his things and mounts the slide to the commons in preparation for his coming free period.]