[img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130831063627/bleach-rp/images/2/26/Anime_guy_2_by_jacob88.jpg[/img] [i]"You've got a friend in me... if you want." - ToyStory Ft. Alan Sandoval[/i] What is your real name? Alan Sandoval. Please don't call me "Sandal" or something like that. I prefer simply being called Alan. Are you male or female? Male and ready to be looking for a lucky lady to love. I'm just kidding, I'm awkward as hell... Don't judge me. What is your age? I am currently 17 years old. So close to being a legal adult. I just can't wait til I'm allowed to vote! When is your birthday? March 11th. So does this actually matter? Are you going to wish me a happy birthday? Because I would appreciate that greatly. What grade are you in? Senior! Finally, after all these years I am at the top of this food chain that we call high school. Except I am still under the popular people and the jocks, and huh... I guess I'm still a loser... great. What are some of your hobbies and interests? This is going to sound super lame but I love chess. I've been in the chess club all three years! I even have a special pin if you want to see it. I also like some sports, though I'm not very good at it. I still play them because my older brothers were all crazy athletes and I was just the only un-athletic one. I try my best anyhow and it's fun so whatever. What else.... I kind of like to sing, but I'm afraid of being in front of people so I wimped out of joining choir. I don't even know if I have a good voice or not because I've never sang for anyone before and probably never will because if that was ever to happen, I will jump out of a window and kill myself. Not really, but I would be super embarrassed and think about jumping out a window. How would you describe your personality? I'm not exactly what you call "popular", though I do have friends that I can talk to. I am really insecure though and I freak out all the time whenever people talk to me because I always worry about what they think of me and whether or not I'm acting weirdly in front of them. It doesn't help that I have a bad habit of talking before thinking and then wanting to die after spouting such stupidity. I'm better on paper though or through text I guess so this assignment might be helpful. But besides my awkwardness, I'm an average guy who is chill and just wants to have a good time, enjoying life and what not. What has your life been like so far? It's been okay. I was bullied when I was younger but now people barely know I exist! Except when I say stupid stuff and then they all stare at me and judge me. I'm just glad to have such nice friends who still like me despite how awkward I am and that's really enough for me. Plus, my parents are really nice and my brothers, while they tease me, are always there for me and cheer me up when I'm down. Oh speaking of brothers, I have four of them and I'm the youngest. Yup, I am the "baby" of the family, much to my annoyance. So life's been fair to me so far. I only wish I had the courage to branch out and meet new people without freaking them out by being all stupid. What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)? For my screen name, I guess I'll choose something like Checkmate_Mate. Is that lame? Should I choose something cooler like, LightningMegaUltra...wow that is also pretty lame. This is really hard! What if my partner thinks I'm weird because of my screen name.. Ahhh this is too much pressure. I'll just stick with Checkmate_Mate for now.... And my alias would be Wesley. What are your thoughts on the project? I'm actually excited. This is the perfect chance for a person like me to make a friend. They are required to talk to me too! So maybe after a while, they will start to like me after they get past my nutty exterior. I will do my best to win them over! Anything else you'd like to add? Nothing that I can think of on the top of my head... Um... I hope we all can get along!