[hider=Professor Juniper Luscinia] 1) Basic info: · Name: Juniper Luscinia · Team/occupation: Huntress, Teacher at Beacon (Survival Studies), graduate of Beacon, Former Leader of Team JSPR (Jasper) · Species: Human · Age: 28 · Sex: Female · Handedness: Right · Aura/Effects: Yellow glow · Symbol: Star made of five treble clefs (base of treble clef in middle of star), dark yellow on light blue background · Physical traits: Tanned skin, scar under left eye (single, thin line) · Misc traits: · Nickname(s): June (Team mates and friends) Sunshine (parents) Professor Luscinia (students) · Likes/Dislikes: She likes nature, animals, exploring the uninhabited world of Remnant, jokes and teaching students how to utilise their surroundings effectively. She dislikes overly built up areas, speaking ill of the dead (no matter who they were), people trying to take advantage of her easy-going nature. 2) Appearance: · Height: 6’3” · Weight: average-heavy · Eyes: Light blue, round · Face: Oval, large smile · Hair: Sandy Blonde, tied back in a high ponytail. Tip of tail brushes mid-shoulder blades. No fringe. · Physique: Muscular · Combat Outfit: Beige riding pants, tucked into black knee high boots. A light blue sleeveless vest with hood over a long sleeved white shirt. Black fingerless gloves. Tied above right knee is a white bandana with leafless tree motif. Black belt with pouch on right side. Symbol is printed on the back of the vest. · Casual Outfit: A pair of comfy pants and a loose shirt for plodding around the house in. She generally wears her combat outfit otherwise. 3) Characteristics: · Background: Juniper is the youngest child of a retired Hunter, who became a cattle farmer to supply food for the City of Vale. Her childhood was filled with laughter and joy, helping around the farm and listening to her father’s tales of being a Hunter. When she turned 13 she begged her father to let her follow in his footsteps and become a Huntress, as she had two older brothers to inherit the farm anyway. He let her go to Signal and supported her through her education. After graduation, she and the rest of team JSPR stayed together for most missions until they were 23, where they each took separate paths. She travelled for a few years on her own, taking missions that would take her all over Remnant, until news of Rowan’s death called her back home to Vale when she was 25. She started wearing one of Rowan’s bandana tied around her knee so she would never forget her friend, and became a teacher at Beacon to help train the next generation of Hunters and Huntresses. · Personality: An easy-going person, she is quick to smile and joke. She is self-sufficient and independent, and enjoys taking in sights and the world around her. She keeps a calm head in situations that require it, and knows how to use her environment to her advantage. As a teacher, she sometimes has trouble keeping the professional barrier between her and her students – often seeming as more of a friend than an instructor. She doesn’t anger easily, and when she does it is more of a cold anger that burns for hours than a flash fire. 4) Combat info: · Position/Class: Heavy hitter, wide area effect, strategic terrain fighter. · Landing strategy: Use the recoil from her weapon to slow her rate of fall, then focus her aura to minimise any damage from the drop. · Weapon: · Name: Mielikki · Wielder: Juniper Luscinia · Maker/Smith: Juniper Luscinia · Type: Grenade Launching War Hammer (GLWH) · Form 1: War Hammer. A large hammerhead on the end of a three-foot shaft, with an elongated claw. The head itself is square, with round mechanisms inside to allow for the grenade launcher to work. The overall head length is 18”. The claw is 10” long, and curved down towards the handle. A trigger is located near the bottom of the handle for firing the grenade mechanism when in hammer form, which causes the face of the hammer to part and fire. · Form 2: Grenade Launcher. The face of the hammer slides apart and back by 1” to reveal the round mechanisms inside for firing the grenades. The shaft collapses up and folds back underneath the claw, allowing Juniper to hold it two handled. The claw collapses on itself to prevent stabbing when the grenades are fired. · Holstered/Sheathed Appearance: Same as the grenade launcher appearance, only with the face of the hammer closed. It clips onto a holster on her belt. · Features/Capabilities: Grenade launcher, capable of firing dust rounds when in melee and ranged forms. · Usage: She’s usually the first into battle, capitalising on her surroundings and hitting her enemies into them or their allies. When using her grenade launcher, she focuses on large groups of enemies first, either hitting them directly or toppling their surroundings to pin the enemies in place or kill them outright. · Notes: Name of the weapon comes from a Finnish Goddess of forests and the hunt. In one passage she is asked to protect cattle grazing in the forest, which ties in with Juniper’s back story of growing up on a cattle farm. · Semblance: · Name: Lyrebird · User(s): Juniper Luscinia · Type: Aura · General description: Ability to create and manipulate sound. · General limitations: Can only change the decibels and pitch of sound within a certain radius of her location - no more than twenty metres away from her. Also depends on if she knows the sound is being emitted. · Visual effect: A shimmer in the air surrounding Juniper's mouth. · Passive Ability: Grants Juniper the ability to create sound no human (or faunus as the case may be) can create, such as the dial-up sound. · Active ability(1): Allows Juniper to change the pitch of sounds she knows about within a twenty metre radius of her location - from high to low and low to high. Sounds can be pitched to carry across spaces, even if the issuer tries to whisper. · Active Ability (2): Allows Juniper to change the decibels of sounds she know about, from barely there to bone-shaking and body-fluid-ejecting. Decibels can be 'pointed' in a direction of her choice, but those around her will still be affected as if by lower decibels. 5) Trivia: · Relationships: · Adrienne Silvester; views her as an older sister, teases her and picks at flaws in an attempt to make her realise where they are and improve upon them. Somewhat strained since the death of Adrienne’s fiancé, Rowan, as Adrienne believes the other members of JSPR should have been with them when she died. · Lily Palir; views her as a younger sister, though distant as Lily hasn’t come back to Vale since Rowan’s funeral and refuses to keep in contact with either Adrienne or Juniper. · Rowan Gainsboro; viewed her as a close friend. Misses her very much, but strives to keep moving forward instead of dwelling on her death. · CoWorkers; respects them, as most of them were her teachers while she was at Beacon. Still has troubles talking to them as equals instead of as teacher-student. · Ozpin; very respectful of. Will never feel comfortable talking to him as an equal, as he has always been the best in her father’s eyes, and that attitude has passed down to her. · Family; she loves her two older brothers very much, but quite readily admits that they are also the ones who rile her up the most. She prefers the distance between them, as they don’t get on her nerves quite as much this way. Adores her father; wants to make him proud of her and live up to the heroic stories he used to tell her as a child. · Notes: [/hider]