Yes, the title is correct. I am literally crying. Tears of joy and laughter of course. I recently got my hands on a netflix account, and I have been revisiting one of my favorite tv shows ever...young justice league!!! So much nostalgia, the clever banter and characters brought back tears of amusement. What has this also resurrected? A strong desire for a roleplay! Honestly- I have been a bit inconsistent with my semi-recent roleplay attempts, as I do allow social life and work to come first in my list of priorities. However, I am quite dedicated to this desire to roleplay, and I am looking for someone who shares the same drive. Also, being as fan of the following might help as well ^.^ : -Doubling/tripling characters. I have three main league characters in mind, all Original characters, and some based off series characters. These characters are male and female. I would love for romance for a female and a male character of mine. (MxF first) -Maturity is a must. These are violent superheros in a DC universe no less, so blood and gore and death are abound. I am fine with sexual mature themes, but they must make sense in the roleplay. Also keep in mind that these are suppose to be teenagers, so romances crushes typically happen way before anything else. We are/were all teenagers once. (if not yet, this is likely the wrong roleplay for you. I'm sorry. Don't be mad) -PM messaging and roleplaying is preferred. -Please please please show some sort of commitment to this. I am quite excited, and I would love someone to share this with :) Side note: I am looking to work with original characters, and I am all for creating characters related to/sidekicks of any league member. If you want to incorporate series characters into the playable story, I am pretty open to that as well. All based upon your preferences. Thank you :) (also, i apologize for any spelling of grammar. Cell phones are not reliable.)