Despite his frail appearance, the four-eyes had no trouble keeping up. But he seemed unfocused, looking to his sides and behind him as if he didn't know where he was. This was true in more than one way - He never explored this part of the settlement before, and also never was a fugitive. He threw the kid a glance - he looked harmless enough, but he also looked like a metaphor for all mutants, lost and wishing to belong. Did they just found a mutant runaway club? How many of those already existed? What do the people caught in the crossfire do? He suddenly remembered his old job, and what he [i]thought[/i] was his new job... The physicist reached a decision. He stopped dead in his tracks when the group stopped behind a corner to check if the coast is clear. [color=aqua]"Okay. I have decided to dedicate myself to this struggle."[/color] He said, wondering how many of his new companions were asking themselves why would a normal human follow them.