[img]http://tomboykc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Willa-Holland-Tomboy-Style.png[/img] Name: Jess Age: 16 Height: 5 feet 9 inches Hobbies: Jess Likes to create anything in general but mostly draws,and to go on walks, and loves almost all music. Personality:She is shy, and very guarded. She puts up barriers to keep from getting hurt again, but at the same time knows she needs too let someone in because she needs someone to trust. She is however though protective. Extremely so with people she cares about, but also with people who need help, anyone she will provide them with counsel or protector. She is blunt if you are treating someone like trash she will call you out and make you back off. People think she is emo because she wears non feminine dark clothing, aggressive from when she stands up for people and with her large stature, due to being tall and curvy but because she is shy and modest she hides her curves and people think she is just big, stupid because she doesn't talk much if at all if she doesn't know you, and a lesbian because she only had one boyfriend and because she doesn't dress or act completely feminine. She isn't though, in fact she is just someone who is trying to find someone to trust and protect her while she protects everyone else.