He watched Carlson go to the girl but didn't stay long to listen, instead going to the nurses station to ask for any update. The nurse apologetically told him there weren't any updates from the doctor and said she'd come over if there was any new developments. Disheartened, Kalib sighed as he had hoped Anton would be at least out of surgery by now. He needed to run, or walk, or do something while he waited. Sitting was unbearable. Somewhere in the back of his mind he imagined that maybe his parents or friends sat in a waiting room like this, waiting for the blood found in the forest to be tested and hoping that it wasn't Kalib's blood. Pushing that from his mind and regretting even thinking like that, he spotted a vending machine down a hall adjacent to the waiting area. He walked slowly to the machine of snacks, quietly smelling for the other werewolf and the silver. By the time he stood in front of the vendor, staring at the mini-pretzels, he scented out the silver. [i]"Room 105."[/i] He dug into his pants pocket and fished out some coins to put in the machine, acting as normally as he could for a guy in a hospital waiting for their friend. It wasn't until he put the third quarter in that he smelled the gunpowder. Looking with his peripherals, he saw a tall man in the doorway of room 105 and felt his throat go dry. Ejecting the coins from the machine he moved over to the drinks one closer to the room, fishing more money and picking an energy drink. The scent of gunpowder, silver, and earthen flavors were coming from the room and he didn't like it at all. He sensed movement behind him and guessed the tall man went into the room and shut the door. If he was a hunter, then Kalib's friends were in for some trouble.