The storm was a doozy. He pushed, pulled, throw, and a few times almost knocked over the Golden Bloomer like a cow surrounded by kids who'd never tipped a cow before, but were anxious to give it a try. It lasted for hours, granted there was always the chance those were subjected hours in the mind as opposed to the kind clocks and stars went by. Abigail managed, somehow, with some effort, and a lot of luck. Her crew's assistance was vital in them not being torn apart by fingers of wind which wanted everything or nothing. It got nothing, this time. If Abigail had her way, and she wasn't about to not, it wouldn't get anything ever. Of course, that being said there was a small victory in mother nature's part, if one were to consider mother nature sentient instead of something existing in the mind like Spinoza's God. It had thrown them off course quiet a ways. Technically they still past the grand line, at least Abigail assumed that was the case. She'd have to talk with the new navigator to to make sure. There were more pressing matters to attend to, involving the ship, its state, and the parts that weren't in an ideal state. The captain might not have known all of them off the bat, but there was no doubt to her certainty that the ship's rudder was part of the problem. Luckily they weren't stuck in the middle of nowhere. Yes, there was a vast amount of ocean around them, but before them, coming up quickly was an island, probably. It was a bit difficult to make out what with the heavy black clouds swirling over it, the occasional flash of light from within the storm. There were better places to go, yes, but none of them were goable right now. "Alright everyone." Abigail called out. "Looks like we'll be making a slight detour for the moment. Just to get the ship ship shaped." She angled the ship and it moved towards its. A few hours later the island was getting bigger and then it was big enough for Abigail to find a dock and settle the ship in. It was raining again, harder than during the storm, but there wasn't any wind. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, Fenris" she gave a nod to her wolf who nodded back "All of you know what to do so lets get on it." Then there was the explosion a few buildings in and smoke drifted upwards like a fallen angel trying to reach back up to the sky. Someone shouted in the distance. "Or we could go check that out first?"