Hoisting the sniper rifle up onto his shoulder Georgia carefully began the long climb back down towards the ground, stopping halfway to see a group of the training robots caught in an explosion which toppled them like bowling pins, only to see them rise back to their feet again a moment later. As he watched from his perch the sniper saw that most of the robots were still functional, even the one with noly one leg left, and as the others left the training ground their opponents had already begun to reconstruct themselves, slotting limbs back into place and reattaching heads as though the exercise had never happened. Only a few were still laid out immobile on the ground, their damage too severe to recover from easily, but a surprising number of the tin cans had already gathered together awaiting new orders. Shaking his head in disbelief Georgia quickly headed over towards the door, trying not to draw the attention of the machines, just in case any of them held a grudge. [color=f26522]"Perhaps next time I should bring a missile launcher,"[/color] he mumbled to himself, shifting the heavy rifle on his shoulder as he made his way to the locker room.