[hider=Apology] [color=0076a3]Sorry I haven't posted for so long, folks. Real life and some personal stuff have kept me reasonably distracted. Plus, you know, I'm lazy on top of all that.[/color] [/hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/tFCzRv7.jpg[/img] [quote=@Nerevarine] >get saved by a pterodactyl >worship the pterodactyl as your new god [/quote] [quote=@mdk] >Accept Stomachface Jesus into your heart. [/quote] [color=6ecff6]Well, as it so happens, a pterodactyl is the equivalent of Stomach-Face Jesus. Apparently, reception down here isn't so good, because you have yet to be rescued.[/color] [quote=@Vilageidiotx] >Flap spoon [/quote] [color=6ecff6]You kind of lost the spoon. It's probably somewhere falling nearby, but you have no way to reach it if it is.[/color] [quote=@Sana] >Do a fucking backflip [/quote] [color=6ecff6]You can't really do that, there's not enough time to maneuver yourself before you hit-[/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/IVypFPM.jpg[/img] [color=6ecff6]That's going to need more than a band-aid. You bones are probably powder now. At the very least, they are in deliciously bit-sized pieces. You know the sound a can makes when you crush it? I think that's what your head just made. Before you black out, you see something approaching you. [/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/10EhuoR.jpg[/img] [color=6ecff6]But hey, while you're unconscious and/or dying, why not have a few dreams?[/color]