[img]http://previews.123rf.com/images/mimagephotography/mimagephotography1305/mimagephotography130500306/19878086-Portrait-of-an-attractive-male-fashion-model-Stock-Photo-man-handsome-young.jpg[/img] Name Decker Jameson Age 18 Hobbies: It's not really a hobby, but he likes spouting the law to anybody who will listen, when nessecary or unnecessary. He also likes clay pigeon shooting. He doesn't mind listening to music, as long as it's rock music. Personality: Decker is cocky, a pervert and cruel. A serious rocker. He never really cares about anybody but himself and will only do something if A) the law states it B) he may gain soemthing from it (e.g connections, a promotion etc.) or C) he wants to. But when he's in love, or romantically involved with somebody, he reveals how romanitc he is and will always try to protected the one he loves, no matter what. Other He is enrolled at a police academy. His favourite song is The end of the world as we know it by REM. His favourite novel is 1984 by Goerge Orwell. He has the ability to reference anything. He taught himself to play guitar, and his in a newly formed group with some of his friends.