Tsukiya stood at the edge of the boar aggro zone, keeping watch over the field to make sure nobody got in over their heads. She tended to be doing that more and more over the past few days. [i]What I should be doing is training in the dungeon tower. The more people they have searching for the boss room, the sooner we're going to find it.[/i] She thought to herself, glancing over a group of three who's armor was a bit too low for the area. They seemed to be handling themselves alright, so she let it slide. [i]There's nothing wrong with saving a life if you can,[/i] She argued to herself, [i]Besides, You can't spend your whole life grinding. There's more to do in the world than...[/i] She stopped her internal debate suddenly because she saw someone who had stopped paying attention, and had aggroed a monster. Yanking her dagger from it's sheath, she took off towards him at a full dash, beginning her Premotion before he even noticed her. [color=silver]<>[/color] Two quick slashes with her dagger got the boar's attention, but the boar's AI wasn't quick enough to attack her before her Postmotion ran out. She gave it a heavy kick to the side to give herself some space, then set herself again, preparing for the charge.