While the idea of rain was a welcoming one, Katniss was very apprehensive about it. She knew rain could be the last thing anyone wanted, if the Capitol made it something crazy like acid or blood or boiling. Of course, she tried to tell herself that they wanted a good show, the best entertainment around, and thinning the remaining Tributes with some cursed rain would be a terrible move on their part. And the more Katniss considered it, the more she became inclined to believe that they might make it rain when people in the arena needed it the most, to give them some kind of double sided event, provide hope but remind those still alive, who was in control. But thinking about the inner workings of the wretched Capitol wouldn't give them any sort of an advantage, if anything, it would just tire them out and she didn't want to waste her thoughts on what would happen and why it would happen. They were all stuck in the arena and the only feasible way out, was to win. A tiny part of her wondered if another way was ever possible but then again, she didn't know what may even happen if they somehow burrowed their way underground and out of the arena. The idea was preposterous and she looked toward Haymitch when he mentioned he'd test the water, if it came down to it. Katniss didn't need to speak to show her disagreement there, she just gave him a look and they kept moving on because moving meant surviving, one step at a time. The soggy open space seemed to keep stretching as they tracked their way through, trying to keep moving at a reasonable pace that gave them progress but didn't tire them out. Moving between thick mud, dried mud and strange marshes, was difficult on the body but Katniss was fine and looking forward to getting out of it, whenever that may be. Brightly colored frogs kept them company for most of them time but Katniss wasn't hungry for them, having a bad feeling about what they could do to someone. Her constant paranoia, she knew was due to many things but unlike anyone else, President Snow hadn't personally been keeping tabs on her. She didn't put it past the old withered asshole to order the Gamemakers to give her special sorts of surprises. As they kept moving, watching where they stepped, Haymitch noticed the fog first, perhaps due to his taller stature. "Fog?" She questioned and looked from where she had been trying to kick the crusted layers of mud off of her boots, to where he was looking: at the horizon. Another stab of fear hit her in the stomach and Katniss licked her drying lips. "I think so." She confirmed and took another step closer. "It's moving." Of course she knew fog moved but this fog was clearly unnatural and she didn't like it. "It's coming toward us, we need to get the hell out of here, now." She said and looked off to the side, spotting the tips of trees off to the east. "Come on!" She took off running, not caring about how off course they were being forced to go now. Gale wasn't sure what they might be hiding but it was possible. "I don't know, I just don't want us to be led anywhere that they want us to go." Gale said. "They send out these things, make traps and I heard someone say, last week during lunch, that they send some things if tributes are getting too close to the edge of the arena, or water, or if they want us to run into other tributes." He said. It didn't surprise him but Gale didn't want to miss a good chance to get game for food, if those pulling the strings wanted him to cross paths with killers instead. Like Peeta, Gale wasn't fond of being used as something. Their plan had to work and the only way it would, was if they didn't fall for tricks of get distracted by other things. So far, they were able to look carefully and see what could be of use to them, but Gale wanted to make sure they weren't nudged somewhere. He wanted their choices to be their own. The pair continued to make progress and it was then that they saw the chance for food, protein. He held his breath, trying to figure out a way to catch it. They could camp and set traps nearby from things they could find around them but Gale wasn't in the mood to leave it to chance. It was right in front of them and getting it caught and eaten, would give them not only fuel for the next day or two, but it would also be a great boost for morale. "I think we should." He nodded and let out a long sigh. He had the skill to catch it but he had a better idea in mind. They remained still and watched it move. Gale was trying to assess its pattern, it could be roaming further or it could have a sort of home in the area which meant things would be easier for him and Prim. "I think I should go after it, try to get it to where you can use your knives to hit it." It was a very tough task, even for the seasoned hunter but Gale knew he would be shaky with the knives. Prim had more training with them than he did and he trusted her to be able to hit it. They had to at least try, if they tried and it go away, Gale would still consider it a positive encounter. "You'll want to aim for head if you can, if not, maybe try the tail or feet to injure it, slow it down or just pin it down." He told her quietly. "If you end up hitting the chest, it will ruin the meat." He told her. "But even if you did hit that, it'll be fine, we'll still be able to use it if we're careful about skinning it and cooking." Gale gave her a smile. He wasn't trying to put pressure on her, but just offer as much information to her as possible. "This little guy," He looked back up to it. "seems to like that tree a lot, I'll try to make sure it ends up there when it's time." He said and placed a hand on her shoulder as he lifted his sword with the others, hoping to use it to scare the squirrel when he took off after it. "Are you ready?" He asked her.