[center]It's that time of year again. With the fifth season of A Game of Thrones about to reach its finale, and The Winds of Winter still unpublished, I need to find something to throw my A Song of Fire and Ice cravings into. So, I'm hoping to get a good ol' role-play started, based in the world of George R.R Martin's series. I'm looking for another individual, who is a capable writer with a keen interest in the universe of ASOIAF to create a role-play within that world. I don't have any concrete ideas at the moment, but hopefully, we can think of some together. Whether we play as completely original characters in a completely different time period to the series, or work something out from the established story, I don't mind. Hell, lets just play as Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark and finally put the mystery of Jon Snow's parentage to rest. But honestly, I'm open to anything interesting. So, if any of this interests you, feel free to drop me a message. If it doesn't interested you, then it's pretty strange that you're still reading this. Really, you have nothing better to do? Alright then. I suppose you could just stop reading anytime you wish. Yeah, any minute now. Still here? Oh. I'll put the kettle on...[/center]