Vas yawned loadly into his terminal, stretching his arms as far as the crampted clusterf**k formally known as "the bridge" would allow, and then some. The Warock cracked his neck, releasing a wet sweet crack that he'd replicated almost ten times just today. He was beyond bored. Months ago he was on the frontline of his home system beating alien birds to a bloodied pulp, and [b]this[/b] is what he chose to do instead for the rest of his enlistment. "Join up with the Union they said," Vas muttered as he scrolled through some news sites back home. Cost of living was going up and he had to prepare on moving back to the city after all of his. Small apartment down near Hygin Park in Dele City maybe. Shitty area but he'd lived in worse. "You'll get to relax they said. Work on your social skills they damn said. Too much field work they said! Workaholic with a license to kill!" Vas could feel the person working next to him give him a confused look. Humans were easy to read. Fleshie bastards poured out pheromones and little noises like animals. Vas could literally hear the guy's heart changing beats better then some medical equipment. "Sorry," the Warock muttered, "f**king getting, what do humans call it, 'cabin fever'."