[@TheWindel]'s Character [hr] [hider=Shiina Gamai][b]Name:[/b] Shiina Gamai [b]Age:[/b] At least 1,000 years old but appears 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Height:[/b] 5'9" [b]Weight:[/b] 120 lbs [b]Appearance:[/b][center][img] http://safebooru.org//samples/541/sample_7caa78b4a67d546516fb56f8ae2798ca9bfa7a88.jpg?543323[/img][/center] [b]Personality: [/b] Shiina is a person who seeks to resolve all problems without the use of needless violence; it’s time consuming, and frankly it’s sloppy as well. That being said, she unfortunately must resort to such things a good fair amount of the time with her gig as a Chaser. In which case, Shiina will fully commit herself to battle. Calm, level-headed, and sometimes appearing stoic, Shiina can appear to act robotically most of the time but it’s only because age has taught her well to act only when needed; she does genuinely care about the people around her. She may act aloof, but trust us, she means well. It’s all part of her front to be as elegant as possible. Probably has something to do with the fact that she works at the local cosplay café and is a favorite among the customers. In fact, the only time she will ever lose her cool is if one insults her fashion sense. Considering that she pretty much wears the same thing every day, it’s best to avoid such mistakes. If it does occur, Shiina dons off all regard or value for the instigator until they are properly put in their place. [b]Skills and Powers: [/b] [i]-Blade Summoning:[/i] Shiina carries around a plethora of knives…in fact, so many that one has to question just where she stores them all. She in fact has the power to summon her bladed friends upon thought alone, ensuring that she has a nigh-unlimited amount of weapons at her disposal, all of them knives. She can use such tools as deadly projectiles or close quarter weapons. [i]-Bloodlust:[/i] Shiina’s entire demeanor will change when in battle, especially if her fashion pride is at risk. When in combat, her eyes become the color of blood and her speed is said to be twice as fast as before; so fast in fact, that spectators can see the streaks of light created by the arc of her knives. Because of her powers and speed, she likes to think of herself as a ninja of sorts. [i]-Vampiric Abilities:[/i] Aside from that, she possesses the general abilities exhibited by vampires such as strength and agility as well as an unnatural prowess with the night. She can’t turn into bats though. Seriously, that stuff only happens in the movies. As a plus side, she’s able to retain her need for blood consumption due to age and experience. Thus, she can go a full week without drinking another’s blood and even then it’s usually stale leftovers she collects from animals or crime scenes. [b]Bio:[/b] An enigmatic girl that usually keeps to herself but can be found regularly at the Dangeki Cosplay Café Club. Unfortunately, her cool and often sophisticated nature has made her quite the customer favorite at the café much to her chagrin. She doesn’t mind too much though and it’s a steady paying job at the least. It probably helps that she’s the only female worker there that wears a suit, making her a fan to both the guys and ladies alike. Of course, when night arrives the elegant Shiina Gamai reveals her true self. When darkness falls, she embraces her job as a Chaser. Little does anyone know that Shiina is a Youkai, specifically a vampire, who left the world of the Crimson Sky to find new purpose in the human realm. And so she becomes a defender of justice. [b]Equipment:[/b] There’s nothing stopping people from recognizing that their city’s silent protector is in fact that super cool chick at the cosplay café. Because of that, Shiina disguises herself with the use of a red scarf, taking on her ninja-like persona. Also…people have Clark Kent syndrome these days. [b]Other:[/b] She’s pretty satisfied with her life at this point, though she sometimes wishes she had a vampiric master or mistress to serve. Either she’s really bored or the cosplay gig is messing with her brain. The world may never know. Furthermore, Shiina is an apparently skilled and exceptional maid thanks to her job. Thus, she is highly trained in the art of…well, doing maid things. That includes washing the dishes, fixing dinner, cleaning the house, folding laundry, knifing idiots…the usual stuff.[/hider]