[@Lvl Down]'s Character [hr] Name: Amiti Yasashiku Age: 10 Gender: Male Height: 4' 8'' Weight: 30 Kilos Appearance:[img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/eecb/f/2015/070/e/e/ninjago_lloyd_gamadon__child___2_by_whoarethosegirls-d8lam8s.jpg[/img] Personality: Shy, Polite, Gentle Skills and Powers: (Doesn't have them yet) Projector Vision (He can project anything he has seen on any surface as a projector would) Tame wild Youkai Bio: Amiti was born to a normal family and grew up as any other boy would in Japan. His life was fine until the night his parents disappeared. Police didn't know what happened, they had just disappeared, there was no trace of them anywhere. Amiti, being alone was sent to live with his grandpa where he continued on to have a somewhat normal life. Equipment: None, he doesn't know how to use weapons. Other: I want Amiti to be captured by the Youtai at night and would like someone to rescue him, if not, I can just have his powers manifest when the primal beast that captured him becomes his friend.