[h1]Injae Park[/h1] [hr] Ratchet turned back around once the three hecklers had departed. She found that with the extra two inches of her roller blades' wheels she was quite taller than Jennifer. She couldn't lean too far forward otherwise she would tip over again, but she did note the girl's thick upper arms and Scandinavian complexion. She seemed well-proportioned despite the variations in mass placement. But Ratchet didn't spend time staring at other people like she the cars in her dad's garage in Black Fall. Ratchet noted that Jen had rapidly turned away upon glancing at her fiberglass forearm with a wheel embedded in the wrist. Ratchet would have to tell her about it later; Jennifer had quickly changed the subject. "I can tell they don't," Ratchet said, folding her uneven arms. "Especially not the minorities. Yeesh, now I know exactly how the people on tumblr feel." She rolled her narrow eyes. "At least they left without harping too much on me. I'll know to watch out for whacked-out pasty Queequeg wannabes." She thought for a sec. "No, wait, that's not the best comparison; racist white people wouldn't want to be someone from the Polynesian countries..." Ratchet shrugged. "I suppose I held my ground the best I could with these wheels on." She leaned back on the rail and lifted her left leg for emphasis. The wheels on her roller blade's chassis turned slowly as a result of the gentle force. "If I don't get heckled again, then that's well and good. If I do, I'll have to hand their rear ends back to them with my awe-inspiring Asian ninja powers. Even though I'm Korean." There was a bit of bite behind that joke, but it did help blow some steam. Kate and Winston glanced at each other, then back at Ratchet. Ratchet pushed off the rail as Jennifer introduced herself. "Well, Jennifer," Ratchet began, "it's nice to meet you, too, although the extenuating circumstances were a bit less than ideal. My real name's Injae, but everyone I know calls me Ratchet. You know, like the wrench, not that other connotation. They did so before the, well, [i]accident,[/i]" Ratchet said, waving her mechanical forearm, "because they all thought I was good with machines. Now I've got machines on my body myself." Ratchet fingered the tarry tire of her flywheel. "The younger girl's my cousin Kate, and the other guy's my brother Winston. Though he's more like an automatic League-of-Legends-playing machine." "Hey, I do more than just that!" Winston protested. "Oh, yeah, he's also been getting into Hearthstone," Ratchet teasingly added, turning and grinning at Winston. Obviously, Jennifer's efforts to calm the Parks down had succeeded (as much as they could with Ratchet, that is). "All you do is play Smash in your room and work in the garage," retorted Winston, though his attitude was partially a result of the spillover from the Iron Cross incident. "As you can see, we love each other very much even though we tease each other," Ratchet declared.