Maggie had the sandwich halfway to her mouth when her datapad chimed. She paused, looking over slowly, when the chimes started to sound every few seconds. Snarling curses under her breath, she leaned out of the way of the flood of crewmen to the replicator and snagged the pad, bringing it over while she chowed down and made her way out of the caf. [i]Attached files...administrative head being a bitch as usual...server crash...[/i]blah, blah, blah, the ship was falling to shit because they lacked proper leadership, she KNEW, alright? Mason sighed, sending off a quick reply to Skydawner—[i]heading to server room now, going to try and reroute power, meet there pls[/i]—before changing her course. The server overload was just one more thing on her list of shit to get done, and fast—a panicking crew was a crew that broke stuff. A lot of stuff.