-Outer Perimeter of Federation Space- Deep Listener Satellite 27 was transmitting some very interesting information which if confirmed would prove invaluable to the scientific community. The readings seemed to indicate that their could be a naturally occurring wormhole or some other form of singularity in the system and another suggested that their was something the size of a small ship giving off a life sign. Using its internal software it sent a message to the nearest ship to verify this information which was the battle cruiser Z-81. Aboard Z-81 on the bridge it was rather still with people silently manning their stations. Suddenly the rather bored looking communications officer brightened up as a message came in from a satellite on the outer perimeter. The young officer picked up a portable terminal taking it over to the captain her face beaming as she was happy that they would know be doing something instead of patrolling empty space. Quickly snatching the terminal out of the young officers hands the captain quickly read though the information she looked rather less impressed than her crewman. "Set course for Deep Listener 27 looks like it's malfunctioning and giving off false readings" the captain ordered. "What makes you say that Varra" her second in command enquired. "Because the last time we investigated some fantastical signals from one these satellites it was spinning in circles after being hit by a solar flare and its captain Varra to you Commander Dix" she stated appearing very annoyed with her new second in command not being comfortable with someone she didn't know calling her by her first name. Commander Dix looked very disappointed with herself already having annoyed the captain and she was hoping to make a good impression. A small beam of energy shot out of from the ship and in a few seconds a large swirling vortex opened and Z-81 went though disappearing and soon after so did the vortex. The ship was now in hyperspace looking out the window one would see a whole host of colours. Z-81 was now on its way towards the suspected malfunctioning satellite and unbeknownst to them contact with two new species. Whether this contact is friendly or not lay in the hands of the crew of Z-81. The ship exited hyperspace near the satellite scanning it for faults. Watching the readout the captains face was completely shocked all it read was all systems 100% operational. "Well looks like we have a bit of excitement for once" Varra mumbled to herself thinking how to handle the situation. "Well let's send out two of are fighters and a shuttle to check out the small life form. If it is one hopefully are smaller ships won't scare it too much. We on the other hand will investigate the singularity and have every one at their stations." Varra commanded and the whole ship came to life as crew ran down corridors as the battle stations alert siren went off. Varra wanted to be ready for anything and that meant having everyone awake alert and doing their jobs. The shuttle and its two fighter escorts took off towards their target as the Z-81 moved in for a closer look at the singularity. After a while the shuttle and its escorts reached its target but the pilots where taken by surprise as it was a ship and not a life form as their scanners suggested. Quickly they messaged back to Z-81 wondering what they should do. "It's a what" the Varra asked "well then tell them to message it and escort it back here". What a surprise an alien ship that could be a living organism or at the very least have organic parts this could prove to be a useful if they where friendly. Then again they could prove a potential treat she would have to make sure they didn't leave the system without talking to them at any cost. "Sir we have the singularity in sight and well it's not what we thought it appears to be a large ship probably using a singularity to power it" reported one of the bridge crew. Varra thought about why these alien vessels are here could they be looking for each other maybe engaged in an intergalactic war or maybe they where allies doing recognisance on the Federation preparing to launch an invasion. Either way she had to find out the only way she could by asking them and see what they do "comms send a message to the large ship and ask are fighters to send the same message to the smaller ship. Have it say the following 'greetings we are from the United Federation of Clans we request that you tell us why you are trespassing in our space? We would also like to invite you on board are ship so we can discuss and exchange information and make it so their are no misunderstandings between our races'. Send it in all languages and just incase they are hostile lock weapons".