Ambassador Craft, Area Unknown Vigdis had chosen an interesting pair of ambassadors to represent the Republic. And by interesting, I mean two that everyone who knew them agreed should never be in the same room as each other, much less be in a confined space for extended lengths of time in a high-importance mission. Their names were Iona and Angus, sometimes mockingly referred to as "the Twins" due to their uncanny resemblance to each other, despite not being closely related. They were like chalk and cheese in terms of approaches to diplomacy. If the Seneschal knew this, she may have reconsidered. But as it stood, they now had to bear with each other for as long as they could. Which was not very long. Iona was rather amazonian. She was tall and powerful, yet slender. She was undeniably a very attractive lady, well-shaped in all the important areas and pretty in the face. From the look of her, one would probably assume she was a professional athlete or perhaps a low-ranking military officer. But look past the pretty face and the elegant muscles and one found a more rebellious and bawdy nature, something greatly unsuited to the military world. It didn't help that she had been diagnosed with rampant nymphomania, which meant she was attracted to pretty much anything that moved. It also didn't help she considered herself the Gods' gift to the Sinnsyk race, resulting in an ego that put even Chancellor Innes' to shame. Angus, by contrast, was a far less physically impressive character. He was small and youthful, with a gentle face and slim frame. He was far too effeminate to be called handsome. Most people settled on 'beautiful', something that caused no end of shame. He lacked the large muscles or impressive stature of his female counterpart and instead looked more timid and tender. Though he appeared quite shy, he was actually more thoughtful and ponderous than bashful, and would often be caught up in thought. He was very apprehensive of his appearance. He knew he looked feminine and he was taunted constantly for his small frame and girlish features. It frustrated him, but he was slowly coming to terms with it. Didn't dull the shame he felt when he was mocked, however. Angus had busied himself with research and Iona always winged it when it came to diplomacy, so they should have been prepared for an encounter. Unfortunately, they had been prepared to meet on a planet, not in the dead of space, so it still came as a surprise when the radio began squawking. Both ambassadors tried to understand the long-winded message but it was not spoken in a language either understood. This was to be expected but was still frustrating. "Do you think they're hostile?" Angus had wondered "If they do, we wouldn't stand a chance. We're not exactly built for combat." It was true. Though the ship certainly looked nicer than the junker Innes had flew the day they encountered the Faira, it still lacked any decent firepower or armour. "So what's the plan?" the pilot asked "I don't know. We were supposed to have come across a planet, not meet them out in space. They might not be the ones we are looking for." Iona sat back in her seat, brushing a lock of hair out of her eyes. She was used to ab-libbing but this was completely unexpected. "It is possible," Angus said thoughtfully "That they picked up on our probe and sent a welcoming committee to guide us in. That might be a bit hopeful, but at any rate I don't think they have a reason to attack us." Iona huffed at that, but she had to admit it was a fair point. "Can we ping them back?" She asked of the pilot. The captain shrugged shrugged "I can try, but I'm not sure if they'll pick it up. Even then, they might not understand." Both diplomats looked at each other as if to say 'Do you want to handle this?'. In the end, it was Angus who rose to his feet to answer the call "Hello? This is Ambassador Angus of Paardveid. Are you currently open to negotiations? If so, we would like to come aboard."