Name: Hatano Akahana Age: 21 Gender: Female Height: 5’9” Weight: 132 lbs. Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: WIP Skills and Powers: [list] [*] Teleportation - Akahana is able to vanish and reappear anywhere in a 10-meter radius. Technically, her ability allows her to pass in-between the real world and Crimson Sky very quickly. When in the real world, she crosses into the Crimson Sky for a brief moment before returning at a physical point of her choice, and vice versa. She must have a target point to teleport to in mind, and once she has committed, she cannot change or stop the process. Although her teleportation necessitates moving through the realm opposite the one she's in, her power does not grant her unrestricted access back and forth. i.e. she must wait until night like everyone else to completely set foot in Crimson Sky. [*] Kenjutsu - Years of practice have honed Akahana's swordsmanship and she is just as lethal as she is graceful. Learning from both instructors and professional Chasers has helped her development along, and nowadays she can give most she faces a run for their money. Her exposure to Crimson Sky seems to have also played a role in her prowess. [*] Other - Akahana's experiences with the Hunters' Association have resulted in her developing many useful skills, including unarmed combat, tracking Youtai, identifying bridges between Crimson Sky and the real world, survival techniques, and so on.[/list] Bio: Until she was seventeen, Akahana lead a relatively normal life. Kenjutsu class, fashion, relationships and scouting good food were her biggest priorities prior to her exposure to the Crimson Sky. As an upper-secondary school student, the threat of supernatural forces and parallel realms never crossed Akahana’s mind; such things were beyond the scope of her world, as it is for the vast majority of the city’s residents today. Unbeknownst to her, her father was a Chaser; under the guise of an overworked office worker he'd spend entire workdays in Crimson Sky, rooting out malicious Youkai for profit and for peace. While fairly reputable within the Chaser community, Hatano Naoki worked hard to distance his daughter from his work - it was how he could best protect her from the hazards of the other realm. Despite his efforts, things would change come a seemingly routine springtime evening. Naoki and his daughter were on a drive home after a day out, which was supposed to be an off-day from "business." Sometime on the way, their car hit debris in the road, popping a tire and sending it sliding off the road, into a thicket. Though shaken, both were unhurt and the vehicle had not tipped over. Naoki stressed that Akahana stay in the car while he got out to check the damage and call to get it towed. Not a minute after he'd left the driver's seat, a sudden flash of light bathed the thicket in a dark crimson, and Naoki struggled to free himself from the maw of a portal that had opened in the air. Panicked and confused, Akahana ignored her father's orders to stay inside and leaped after him. When she regained her bearings, Akahana found her surroundings only vaguely familiar - the thicket was still here, but the car was gone, and the immediate environment had a sombre feel to its aesthetic. A few yards away, her father was struggling with a creature of massive girth, seemingly devoid of a recognizable anatomy, save for a maw lined with rings of scissor-teeth. She struggled to her feet, utterly dumbfounded by the scene in front of her. The gelatinous entity noticed Akahana's movement, and ignoring Naoki, it darted its mass toward her. Clamping her eyes shut, Akahana tensed up, wishing herself out of the creature's path, away from the danger and wherever she would be safe. In that instance, she felt a moment of weightlessness and opened her eyes at the feet of her father. Exhausted, she struggled to keep focus, and soon she'd passed out completely. The next time she awoke, Akahana was in her own bed, her father sitting tensely by her side. He had no choice but to reveal to her the truth of his occupation, the Youkai and the Crimson Sky. He remarked at her earlier exhibition of teleportation, taken aback by how quickly her exposure to the other realm had manifested in such an ability. Not wholly sure how what to do, now that Akahana was no longer in the dark regarding his secret life, Naoki decided it best to bring her to the Hunters' Association. There, she might learn to have better control and understanding of her newfound powers, and by surrounding her with other Chasers, she'd at least be protected if she was somehow threatened by the denizens of the Crimson Sky. For the next four years, Akahana honed herself by training with other Chasers. She refined her teleportation ability, continued to develop her swordsmanship and learned the ins and outs of the Crimson Sky and its inhabitants. She'd accompanied professionals on incursions into the other world, gaining valuable experience that might be lost on solo Chasers. Her father is approaching the ideal retirement age from the Chaser life, and she is eager to take up his mantle and surpass his reputation. Equipment: [list] [*][i]Amagumo[/i] - The katana wielded by Akahana was presented to her by her father when she started hunting Youkai. Its name roughly means [i]Thunder Cloud[/i], called so for the deafening sound it makes when struck, and the shockwave that follows. [*][i]Shosuke[/i] - Not technically equipment; Akahana's Youkai companion takes the form of a portly feline. He is affiliated with the Hunters' Guild and was entrusted by Hatano Naoki to look after his daughter. His small size beguiles a cyclopean appetite. Shosuke is capable of utilizing magical techniques for offense and defense, and employs them to give Akahana an easier time. His name means [i]Little Help[/i].[/list] Other: WIP