Amy pressed enter, sending a reboot command to the hangar doors. A moment later, there was a beep and a green box appeared on the screen. Amy sighed out loud as she closed the box. At least that job was done. There was another chirp, a direct message to her. Amy's eyes fluttered tiredly. She swore, if it was someone else asking if someone could be sent to repair the coffee maker, Zariana have mercy... [i]Heading to server room now, going to try and reroute power, meet there pls[/i] Amy smiled, and typed a reply of two words. [i]Yes, ma'am.[/i] She let the assistant know where she was going, before she moved into the next room, taking her Admin Deck with her. Due to the link between the servers and the Neural Networkers that monitored them, they were literally seperated by a single door. She scanned her keycard on the door, which released a chime as she was granted access into the room. She stepped in, and stood, waiting for the arrival of the officer. She continually checked her uniform to ensure it was okay.