[center][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Ketsui Nagumo [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 20 [b][u]Race:[/u][/b] Human [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Male [b][u]Height:[/u][/b] 5'10" (177.8 cm) [b][u]Weight:[/u][/b] 165 lbs. (74.8 KG) [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/k-anime/images/4/40/Teenage_Izumo_Kusanagi.png/revision/latest?cb=20121110201958[/img] [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Ketsui is a rather vindictive person when it comes to someone who crosses him in anyway, he feels the need to 'get back' at someone with something he feels is equal to or slightly more than what they had done to him. This vindictive trait of his makes it hard for him to stay out of trouble. When Ketsui isn't committing his acts of vengeance he is a quite outgoing and friendly person, almost as though he has two personalities. He is also very hyperactive, almost never sitting still, constantly fidgety or moving around. Due to his hyperactivity Ketsui is very impatient causing him to be be reckless, rushing in to things before thinking them over. [b][u]Skills and Powers:[/u][/b] [b]-Sixth Sense:[/b] Ketsui's sixth sense allows him to detect aura's, letting him know what the species of the being is and whether or not they are hostile, friendly or indifferent. While the aura's are detected he can roughly tell where the location of the being emitting the aura is. This sixth sense is not one Ketsui can turn off and on whenever he pleases, it remains active all the time just like any of the other senses. [b]-Bone Manipulation:[/b] Ketsui is able to manipulate his own bones, changing their density to make them lighter or heavier. He can also create new bones to be used as projectiles, weapons or simply to have them protrude through the skin. If Ketsui is to break a bone he is able to significantly speed up the healing process, however the initial pain of the bone breaking is much more painful than normal. [b]-Enhanced Acrobatics:[/b] He has power to perform acrobatic and gymnastic feats beyond that of normal capabilities. [b][u]Bio:[/u][/b] As a child Ketsui's parents weren't home very much, often times leaving him with a babysitter. With no real sense of discipline around he frequently ran amuck, causing issues for the babysitter and the community he lived in. The small playground down the street from his house was where you could usually find him with his small group of friends. He was troublesome enough on his own, but with the group of friends he hung out with, he was worse. The group of boys he was with would run through the neighbor hood being disruptive, using what parkour kills they had to flee the scene no matter what obsticles were in their way. One night while fleeing from the trouble they caused Ketsui broke apart from the group, trying to lose the heat. As he made it out of the alley he noticed he was in his neighbor hood anymore. This mysterious world was new to him, without thinking Ketsui began to explore. He came upon a tower like structure and began to climb it hoping to be able to see more of his surroundings. As he climbed the structure he could see what looked like a small village. Once he made it back to the ground, he took off running in the direction of what he saw hoping to find answers as to where he was. Nearing the village, he began to feel as though something was following him. Turning to look over his shiulder, he'd see it, the monster running towards him. This of course scared Ketsui sending him sprinting his fastest towards the village. The more his adrenaline pumped and his heart pounded, he began to feel other presences, some similar to the one chasing him and others more welcoming. He tried to out run the monster, but it was too fast and had caught up with him before he knew it. Ketsui let out a blood curdling scream. The monster had sunk its teeth into his left shoulder, snapping his collarbone under the pressure. Even through the pain Ketsui fought with all he could to escape the monsters clutches or he knew it meant certain death. Miraculously, he was able to free himself only to collapse and pass out in front of the village. When he finally awoke again he was bandaged up, laying on a cot. Looking at the bloodied bandage wraps on his left shoulder, Ketsui surprisingly felt no pain, in fact the wound was virtually healed. He paused, feeling a presence approach him. Slowly turning his head to face it, he panicked when he saw it was another monster. However the creature was quick to reassure him that it was not the same sort Ketsui ran into the night before. Once he calmed down the creature explained where he was and how to get back to his own world, along with how to get back to the Crimson Sky if he ever wanted to come back. Ketsui would go back time and time again, learning more about that mysterious crimson world and more about his own abilities. He grew to like that new world quite a bit, wanting to help them as they helped him. With that Ketsui would later become what was known as a Chaser, hunting down the exact same creatures that tormented and attacked him his first time there. [b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b] He doesn't carry any weapons on him as his body can produce all the weaponry he'll need. Ketsui does however, keep three identical stainless steel baoding balls on him at all times, in case he finds himself unable to sit still. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] Ketsui becomes very agitated and upset if he loses his baodinv balls or if someone takes them.[/center]