Sitting in one of the darker corners of the bridge with a few other crew members around him. He made sure he chose the spot that the cameras couldn't see. One of the few blind spots, maybe a foot or two wide. The ship had amazing surveillance capabilities but a few spots were safe for his area of expertise. He did one last check, probably not a good enough one for what he was about to do, but good enough to know that there was nobody who would care watching. He reached in his bag and pulled out a small metal sheet with some wires on it. It was a holographic disk made specifically for porn. Weird porn, inter-species porn and the like. He himself didn't enjoy it but he had a buyer who was paying a decent price for it. "Ok, which one of you is the dirty pervert who wanted this? Who's the bastard that wanted a quick jerk sesh before looking for our god damn captain?" He looked at the three low level crew members all blushing and spit next to their shoes. "Come on, this was hard to come by and I ain't holdin' on to this thing for more than another hour. I have actual important business to tend to." After a bit of staring an exchange was quickly made and he handed the holo-porn off to his dirty customer before stepping a mere inch to the right and entering the camera's view once more.