[i]Server Room[/i] Aside from the rustling and ripping noises coming from the Lieutenant's rough treatment of the servers, there had been a persistent shuffling and groaning noise in the background of the server room even since the crew had started to gather there, but it had went unnoticed due to the incredible load being placed on the Extranet and the servers going absolutely wild. Either someone was downloading twelve zettabytes of pornography or... no, it was probably just the pornography. Either way, it made things hard to hear, at least when you weren't actually trying to be annoying. But the white noise was broken when someone's neck made a really loud and obnoxious cricking sound. "Hey Old Ironsides, mind keeping it down? I know you literally got rocks for brains, but some of us are trying to fucking sleep here." The chief of security was an abnormally tall and well-built woman by human standards. It was a miracle she'd gone unnoticed, even with all the noise being made by the overclocked servers. Yet here she was, sleeping in the corner with a cable plugged into a port at the base of her neck, likely attempting to charge her nanomachine augs as much as possible. She yawned rather loudly, and cracked her neck in the opposite direction before sticking a finger in her ear to pick out the wax. She wiped it clean on her camo pants before looking around at the crew who'd assembled. "Hey Mags," she said. "You got the replicator back up and running yet? I'm starving. Oh look, Bitchy is here too." She cast a neutral eye on the canine Neural Networker, who she'd never particularly liked.