"If we were to start large, the organization would be incredibly difficult. I think establishing ourselves before expanding would be the most practical option here, anyway," The man agreed, calming once more as his fingers drummed on the table. "Whether we have the capability is not the question, Yato. Successful or not, I want to do something good for the kids here. If we fail, then it won't matter anyway - we'll die on one frontline or the other," he explained thoughtfully. "Both are good causes, so I would understand any inhibition you might have. The way I look at it, I've acknowledged the likelihood of my death by joining the clearers in the first place." In fairness, however, the notion of sacrificing himself came rather easy to the American. "I would appreciate you talking to the others, I'm sure we could have something great here with their help," Titus finally stated, rising and offering Yato a hand to shake. ----- "Heeeey," She slurred, gazing at Suto for a moment, the gears turning slowly in her head. "Are you trying to make me eat so I stop being like this?" She asked, finally putting the puzzle piece into place after having already been in line. She completely ignored the tall brunette the moment he reached for her hand. Her mind was on a different subject before even realizing the one in front of her. The girl's eyes narrowed as she stared her pugilist friend down, the intimidation rendered moot by her slightly slouched shoulders and sluggish, slurred speech. "Pfft... I-I don't think that eating is going to change anything," her observation was met with a small hiccup as the line slowly advanced. "I-I'm no expert, but I think the food absorbs drink in real life... in a place like this..." Yari gasped, taking a deep breath, "Inside a video game. Oh my gosh, Shuro, we're in a [I]video game[/I]!" She exclaimed, looking around with wide eyes, "Can you believe it?!" Shaking her head, she continued, "B-but here, it won't absorb anything... Ssssoooo..." She furrowed her brow, "I forgot." Only now did she realize that she had completely ignored the exchange with the brunette in front of them, her mind finally processing what it was that he said. "G-girlfriend? Nuh-uh, I'm nobody's girlfriend," She explained matter-of-factly. "But beautiful I certainly am," The girl teased, looking at Suto with a laugh. Finally, they received her dinner and she excitedly began to eat it, though a few bits of it would fall to the floor and really, it had very little effect. She was right, the science didn't work out and apparently no algorithm had been placed in the game for sobering somebody up when they ate solid foods. Even when drunk she managed to outsmart Suto... The poor guy.