Name | Alie Windred Age | 14 Gender | Female [hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [center]Height| 4.7ft [] Weight| 113.4lb [] Build| Athletic[/center] [hr] Personality | Alie is a drawer, expressing her current emotions by drawing. Multiple pictures within her mind that express her feelings. Feelings in which she couldn't show because she was too shut in. Alie was too scared to realize that she was pushing away others and her mother pushed her to the edge until she suddenly stopped, Alie began to accept that her mother just wanted a writer instead of an artist and due to her rewards she felt as if she'd gain money and power out of her books...but instead only pain came from it. Alie is confident, shy, and bubbly all at the same time. After she discovered her powers and her effects she felt stronger because of it. Now she is able to keep her state of mind without being scared. Skills and Powers | [list] [*]Time | The user can manipulate the fabric of time forwarding it, stopping it, and replaying it. But at the cost of mass use is parts of her life force. When using it for 'mass use' Alie's life time would decrease at the use of 'mass use'. But if Alie were to pick certain areas to rewind/fast forward/ or stop then the effects wouldn't be caused. But her powers effects can only vary by her physical and mental state. So if she is scared or tired her powers would be temporary. But if she was confident and active her powers would reach full potential. [/list] Bio | Alie was born in a line of writers, her mother wrote 3 books and two of them received a reward. Her father was abusive, after Alie was born he began beating the mother and to the extent in which broke a bone. Later on he killed himself while drunk and since then Alie's mother began writing her experience as a victim thus she won a trophy. But Alie wasn't as creative as her mother, she lingered around drawing and wanted to become an artist. Though her mother decline, wanting a line of writers instead of artists she pushed her way through the boundaries, but it didn't work. No matter what her mother did to become a writer Alie wanted to draw... her passion for it was unbelievable and at a young age she could draw better than any artist...almost, though. Finally her mother accepted her passion and continued writing books, leaving Alie be she was finally free to do what ever she wanted with her profession. At occasions Alie would venture near her home climbing, running, and walking the lonely streets near her house. " Boundaries? You venture these streets and simply draw...humans. " Suddenly on a fateful day Alie was forcefully dragged into the Crimson World. He left her there alone scared and distraught. Demons or some kind of creatures were drawn to her by her scent and then...bang. Time surged through her and forcefully time stopped by Alie's will. Creatures in which slowly moved towards her and thus she planned her escape. Quietly crying as she pushed away the creatures that tried to devour her. Alie fell back into reality, facing the effects of her powers she began realizing what she encountered. Alie attempted to find multiple ways back into the Crimson World and thus she did, during full moons she entered the Crimson World and thus she explored it with confidence. Equipment | [b]Time Key[/b] [hider=Time Key][img][/img] Alie found a sword within the crimson sky. At the remains of a man beside a drug store she claimed it as her own, though oddly she found that the sword reacts to her powers and activates if used. The sword can correctly pick a designated area without the focus of the user and decrease the life force absorption. The sword itself is actually larger than Alie but it is extremely light for someone her size. ( Some kind of magic is infused to it and also the sword is 5.5ft )[/hider] Other | Casual Outfit [img][/img] Added with Gray Ballerina Shoes