[u][b][color=662d91]Name:[/color][/b][/u] Ikkime Oi [u][b][color=662d91]Age:[/color][/b][/u] unknown but she appears to be in her late teens [u][b][color=662d91]Gender:[/color][/b][/u] Youkai (Female) [u][b][color=662d91]Height:[/color][/b][/u] 5'3 [u][b][color=662d91]Weight:[/color][/b][/u] 150 lbs [u][b][color=662d91]Appearance:[/color][/b][/u] [hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/BvxmqmV.png[/img][/hider] [u][b][color=662d91]Personality:[/color][/b][/u] Ikkime is a very quiet soul, almost rarely does she talk, She hates life and everything about it, the happiness, the joy of feeling the warmth of others, like she did when she was alive. She use to show compassion but now its just simply nothingness, no regret, no anger, no happiness, just a feeling deep down of sorrow. The sorrow of never being able to take back what she did so many many many years ago, the sorrow of leaving the loved ones long dead. Also allows herself to not be the center of attention which she does not favor when not fighting. She likes the quiet in general because it causes her less problems. She feels nothing anymore, no more trying to solve her death, no more trying to help out others. She cares for only herself and herself alone, not many people could change her mind about it. She also happens to be Bi-Polar almost when it comes to encountering others. She almost seems happy, and content with herself. It's almost like her real self is a lie and this is the personality she has, but its all an act. She will show kindness to others and tries her best to cheer them up, when in actuality she wants them to die, and simply fade away like she did so long ago. She will tend to keep to herself when others around and make sure above anything else that she makes it out alive. Sometimes even putting others in the way of danger to keep herself alive. Deep down she knows it's wrong but she doesn't care, she made a promise before she died that she would continue the fight no matter what, even if it means she eternally sad. [u][b][color=662d91]Skills and Powers:[/color][/b][/u] [u][color=662d91]Calamity:[/color][/u] [hider=Calamity Form][img]http://i.imgur.com/lOQdaRm.png[/img][/hider] Ikkime's soul is so vast and so powerful, that simply moving can become an attack. By flexing and extending her muscles, she causes large arms of physical aura to reach from her being. These "arms of aura" are completely visible to the naked eye, thanks to the sheer amount of their spiritual power causing them to glow. They appear much like Ikkime's arms, lithe and elongated...but outrageous strength hidden within. Though the ends form into hands, with fingers, there is no fine motor control. The fingers do no move, nor do they bend or squeeze. These behave more like an animals' paw, in that, they digits are merely there for support or clawing. The size of the arms can vary, depending on the level of exertion Ikkime uses. She can range the length of her arms from 1 single foot, all the way to 30 meters. The radius of the arms, which often take the very cylindrical form of her own anatomy, will vary from 1 meter to 5 meters. She can sling arms the size of people or buses, it all depends on her effort. What they lack in tactile function, they make up for with devastation. Whatever becomes struck by these limbs is hit with the full force of Ikkime's strength. The arm is a conduit for her deceptively, horrifying physicality. Though they cannot grab or clutch their targets, they can pummel and pulverize them to fine, flesh dust. These arms are as tireless as Ikkime, and will only give out when her spirit does. Basically...death will come first. They can't grapple or clutch things...and they can't have claws. She has no fine control over her aura, which would allow her to articulate the fingers or make them squeeze...and this same lack of control prevents her from honing the ends of the arms into a fine, cutting point. What they do instead of grasping or scratching...is they crush. These arms are formed out of her wildly vast power reserves, and possess the same strength as the soul who exerts them. Her ability to create limbs or "hammer-like" bodies of aura, is determined by her Class. She can make up to 7 arms at once and no more, though the more arms she makes, the slower her body becomes, leaving her arms to make her move, but her body to be semi vulnerable. These arms as strong as steel, if not stronger. These said arms are able to be instantly change length, and also diameter though they can only grow as big as 5 meters at the max and everything below. else it becomes to much to control. The arms themselves are an extension of them, so if you're able to break them, then they would injure her as well, not only that it would cause the arms to be weaker when she regrows them. She can only regrow them back a number of 4 times before it becomes to much for her to control. Each arm causes her to lose control of the power, after the first one they get slower, until the last one which is the as the strong as the first if not stronger. The first arms spawned will be 3 meters wide and and have a 30 meter reach, The second round will be slower and 2 meters wide, but still have the reach capacity of 30 meters. The third round is her weakest and only 1.5 meters wide, but they are 35 meters long to make up for the weakness of the size. The third round of arms are also much much much much slower, only as fast a human in shape. The fourth round of arms are arguably the strongest, they are 4 meters in diameter and go back to the reach of 30 meters. The reason behind why they are they are the strongest is the reiatsu acts as adrenaline when in this final stage. --- Beyond this main power, Ikkime is also strong enough to lift a car with effort, and faster then humans. She is how ever not incredibly durable but she can take some hits. [u][b][color=662d91]Bio:[/color][/b][/u] -WIP- [u][b][color=662d91]Other:[/color][/b][/u] On an OOC moment, Ikkime is kinda of an Anti-Hero in a sense that she doesn't have a side, she'll do whatever she deems correct in her kinda twisted mind. Meaning while she could help you, there's no telling if she'll kill you the next week, loose cannons, wo!