Annalynn could only smirk at Maggie's rant about procedure. However, the more solemn turn in the conversation quickly ended that. As Christian returned with the duct tape, Annalynn was pleased to see Maggie light up again - the way things were going, Annalynn might have to stock up on a stash of duct tape just to keep Maggie going. The ship needed her to keep it together, after all. "You may be one of the smartest people I know besides myself, but you're a fucking animal, Nuts," Annalynn grinned, getting up from where she had been kneeling. "I still need our simulator fixed. My technological know-how only goes so far." She turned to exit as Lieutenant Conado came in, awkward as ever. He was a nice guy, however, and Annalynn had no problem with him. She gave a nod in greeting, "Lieutenant. Good to see you, as well. Unfortunately, our nicknames were not planned, as I've been called Bolts since long before I even graduated. In any case, I should get going. Grab a bite before heading back to the lab." Annalynn excused herself from the server room to grab a sandwich from the cafeteria.