[hider= Kazuo Sanada] [b]Name:[/b] Kazuo Sanada [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] M [b] Height:[/b] 5'10 [b]Weight:[/b] 150 lbs [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/7e/ea/95/7eea9548f854a4f0502f0d37e72792dd.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Care-free and laid back, Kazuo Sanada is a young man that is the epitome of the 'average', twenty-something year old male living on his own in the sprawling, technologic metropolis that is Tokyo. Usually an optimist with a charming and crooked smile, he's quite approachable and friendly when it comes to meeting strangers. To those he's already friends with, one can express him as 'casual' ; he's quite calm and light. To him, just sitting and chatting at a local cafe or with an open pack of beer indoors would be the ideal way to 'kick back' with his buddies. He is soft spoken, though quite stubborn and standoffish when upset. He's no push-over, but he is understanding and practical. Despite his warm and laxed demeanor, however, Kazuo is very much a capable Chaser. Behind gentle eyes and his thin frame, he's a monstrosity who holds no ounce of mercy to the youkai that he strikes down. Though he may not be as physically capable as some of his 'colleagues', this is counteracted by the fearsome power granted to him by the Crimson Sky. [b]Skills and Powers:[/b] "Crimson Fragment" - a very peculiar name chosen by Kazuo for a very peculiar power. It takes the form of a dense, scarlet spherical mass of unadulterated energy that is boundlessly above anything that this Earth could have ever created, natural or man made. It is highly unstable and could potentially be catastrophic to both himself and his allies, as it's two principal properties are that of corrosion and explosion. In it's 'dormant' form, it is a small sphere that levitates around him. It is capable of homing onto targets at high-velocities when willed by Kazuo. With that being said, Crimson Fragment is a power that Kazuo can manipulate at will, so long as his mental capacity is sturdy enough to maintain the precision and concentration it takes to use it. This is the true 'form' of his power, as it allows him to be infinitely diverse in combat - he can configure the Fragment to any shape, size, or density he wishes. Noticeable forms and effects of Crimson Fragment: - Flattens and widens out to become a strong shield. - Elongates and narrows to become a throw-able spear. - Tendrils of energy can erupt from the 'dormant' Fragment, which can lash out at enemies. - Sudden release of his 'hold' on the sphere, which causes it to become unstable and explode. - Expands into a large, dense ball almost as big as he, which he propels and circulate around him ; eats up anything it touches. This power, of course, is limited to his physical and mental capacity, i.e. he cannot expand the ball to be any bigger than himself, as that is the size that strains him the most. The Fragment also exhausts him with each of it's transformation, so his endurance in a battle is severely compromised the longer it plays out. Because of the nature of his power paired with his lower athleticism, he is considered to be more of a 'burst' fighter. This essentially means that his potential truly shines as a devastating and powerful Chaser at the start of a battle, but becomes greatly hindered if he cannot finish the job in time. [b]Bio:[/b] Currently finishing up his degree in accounting, a career path that he had just randomly decided on during his final months of secondary school, Kazuo is casually enjoying his youth by maintaining an acceptable grade in school, as well as idling day by day by taking walks to his local bookstores in hopes of catching up with his favorite manga series, going to his favorite cafes for a sip of coffee with friends and acquaintances, or just cozying up at his townhouse to play video games. He is currently a part-timer at the bookstore he frequents, trying to slowly ween his way out of his parent's financial help with living on his own (for which he is genuinely greatful for). Kevin believed that it was genuinely an accident that he became a Chaser, and that fate had played a cruel prank on him. If he had not decided to stay back for that one minute it took him to read the back of a new novel that caught his eye on the way out of the book store, he would have not missed the ride on the subway. If he had not missed his ride on the subway, he wouldn't have been forced to walk home. If hadn't been forced to walk home, then he could have avoided the youkai that forever changed his life. It was in a dark alleyway that Kazuo laid sprawling, blood seeping from his gut. His body was bruised and cut to shreds, and leaning over him was a monstrosity that he had never seen before. As he laid there on the ground, eyes open but the light slowly fading as he gradually began to die, he thought to himself that he shouldn't have taken that shortcut thru the dark and suspicious alleyway. If he could, he would've laughed to himself for being so stupid. But though life had decided to punish him for whatever reason, it was not ready for him to die just yet. For as Kazuo laid there, ready to have his body further ripped apart as the life burned away, the sky above him turned a deep crimson, as if his own blood had spilled enough to seep into the clouds themselves. His eyes strained as they involuntarily twisted to look up, his body suddenly convulsing. Heat seeped back into his limbs, and although the pain was beyond belief, a gush of sweet air exploded back into his lungs. His spastic body made the youkai hesitate for a split second, but that opening was just enough. Kazuo leapt to his feet, blood gushing from his wounds but stood with such a sturdy stance as if his injuries was nothing more than a small bug bite. He struck his hand forward and the air in front of him warped with such intensity that it seemed to have ripped a piece of reality apart as a ball of crimson energy materialized and shot out. It blasted [i]through[/i] the demon like paper, before lodging itself against the cement wall of an abandoning building before detonating. The explosion was big enough to annihilate the small block into nothing. And it wasn't like a burning combustion either ; it was as if everything seemed to have been disintegrated into nothing. Within minutes, the police and firefighters came to investigate, but there was no trace of the monstrosity, or Kazuo. A few years later, the young man is still living his life as if nothing had ever happened. Only difference now is that he is a capable youkai killer, and is an adept member of the mysterious and deadly Chasers. Oh, and he has developed quite an appreciation for cosplay. [b]Equipment:[/b] N/A [b] Other:[/b] He loves sweets. [/hider]