I love Minecraft as a visual aid. It's... a bit difficult to work with the right angles, but I love the idea of having actual, physical characters that move about a physical world. Vanilla Minecraft is, admittedly, drab. But using plugins and other things in addition (like combining MC and play-by-post or DnD styled/rolling rp) make it a lot of fun. Otherwise, my main visual aid is character art, which has been something easily accessible in a lot of rp communities I've participated in. [hider=Character Art] [b]Pros:[/b] - The art looks exactly (or similarly) how your character looks. - Collecting art is a fun way to see how numerous people interpret your character. [b]Cons:[/b] - Not easily accessible unless, obviously, you know an artist. - If you're not comfortable describing a character's specific appearance, it can be hard to portray it to the artist (I know I struggle with things like face shape/body shape/etc.) [/hider] Dollmakers are also nice. [hider=Dollmakers] [b]Pros:[/b] - Pre-generated characters where you can customize the clothes, hair, eyes, skin, etc. - Easy to use (and usually pretty fun :P) [b]Cons:[/b] - You'll never get a perfect image. You'll get something close to your character, but it's still always a cookie cutter. - Options are always limited. Your character's hair might be a shade of auburn that the dollmaker doesn't have. [/hider]