Malory nodded at the nurses and took a seat on the table. He looked around the medical bay and all of a sudden his face went from as if he'd seen a ghost to that of a kid in a candy shop. He was taking note of every drug he could see. He was taking a mental inventory of what was there and how much it could go for and thinking about who he could sell it to. Hell, there were people on this ship right now who would pay a good price for this stuff. Prescription painkillers, stimulants, syringes and more. All kinds of drugs that he could sell or trade with. It's amazing how fast his mind was taken off of the pain when he entered this room. "So uh. what's wrong with it? It doesn't feel broken but it fuckin' hurts." he said, still staring at the painkillers he deemed to be the most valuable. His speech was slow and making it entirely obvious he was focusing on something else.