The mall was quiet, deathly quiet. Ellie-May clutched her gun to her chest, her finger hovering over the trigger. She silently stepped out from the store and glanced around; there was nothing. Sighing through her nose, she stepped backwards, back into the store, facing adamantly towards the entrance until she was far enough to not be easily seen. Pivoting around, her shoes squeaking on the linoleum floor, Ellie-May walked quickly to her mother’s side. Stephanie stuffed the large black bag with clothes, throwing cargo pants and tank-tops as well as sweaters, and every time she shoved something new in there, the cans of food clanked. When she heard her young daughter approach, she raised her eyes, a guarded look in her eye. [color=f7976a]“Anythin’, Baby Cheeks?”[/color] She asked, her voice but a whisper yet it sounded as if she yelled it in the encompassing silence. [color=7ea7d8]“Nothin’ yet. How much longer? This place gives me the creeps.” [/color]Ellie-May muttered, kneeling to help her mother. Ellie-May glanced at Stephanie’s belly nervously, it was swollen like a moon; she only had five months more before a baby popped out of her. [color=f7976a]“Just a little bit more darlin’.”[/color] Stephanie struggled onto her feet, moving towards the back for underwear. A sound, not loud, but certainly not coming from them hit their ears. It was close by; swallowing, Ellie-May drew up her gun and edged towards the entrance of the store only to see the back of someone – [color=7ea7d8][i]no, just a body, they aren't people,[/i][/color] she reminded herself – shuffling out the entrance of the mall. [color=7ea7d8]“[i]Oswald.[/i]”[/color] Ellie-May whistled as quietly as she could and the Pointer dog bounded from around the corner of the store. He approached her side, his ears perked. “Do you smell somethin’? Huh, boy? Do you smell prey?” The dog licked his lips and he trodded towards the entrance, right before the arch, sniffing the ground. His nostrils flared as he took in the scents before he stood up and returned to Ellie-May’s side. However, he didn’t acknowledge the presence of an undead. Stephanie cautiously approached her side, and laid a hand on her shoulder. [color=f7976a]“Was it one of the infected?”[/color] [color=7ea7d8]“Oswald don’t think so. He ain’t pointin’ at shit.”[/color] The two retreated back into the store, silently agreeing to go to the back in case there was an undead lurking about. Oswald obediently came to their sides, his ears perked and his nose sniffing occasionally.