[img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs51/i/2009/268/2/1/Me_And_Johnny_by_LolaLiG.jpg[/img] Name: Lola Lombardi Age: 16 Hobbies: Dating, Fighting, Cheating, Playing Games, Flirting, Gambling, Poker, Small Talk, Truancy, Impudence, Parties, Studying (Rarely.) Sometimes loves music, into nerds. Personality: Lola Lombardi herself loves to date, however when it comes to sensitive boys she does not like to hurt their feelings right away. Instead, she pretends to like them but never ever gives them a kiss. Boys that she really like, she tends to give them kisses. She cheats on some boys when she feels like she wants to. She beats girls that make her angry, and flirts a lot. She cheats on tests, and plays a lot of games. She also loves to play old school games. RPG games achieve her interest, naughty RPG games also. She has her own apartment, but oftenly goes to boarding schools. And loses her stuff inside, she uses this to use boys to get stuff from her apartment, which is cramped up. She tries to get money by joining fight clubs to get money. She gets a few money, and she even walks around saying "[i]The more my house is damaged, the more I damage you in a fight." [/i] Anything Else: Uses people and girls also sometimes to get what she wants. Loves purple and pink. Poor, begs for money. Gets certain money, rarely has money.