Kitten turned to regard the man as Davis returned with her drink and the carton of Fixer. The name Jack Cobalt was familiar and it took her dulled mind an extra few seconds to to make the connection with his reputation. Three Dog was always talking about him. [i]'Wait he just said that, didn't he...'[/i] She picked up the glass and drained it in a single mouthful before picking up the carton of addiction pills and reading the box. "You wanna hire me as a merc?" She asked a little doubtfully. Usually people hired Kitten because they had no choice, not because they actually wanted to. "Well as long as you have caps I'll do whatever you want me to..." She turned the box over and started reading the back. "...I'm Kitten." She mumbled as she focused on the words. Apparently the pills were for people who wanted to detox and get over additions quickly, good for helping people stop using Chems. Only Kitten didn't want to stop. When she stopped the memories started coming back. She suppressed a sudden shudder and reflexively reached for one of the Med-X syringes on her belt but stopped herself. Even she realized that mixing Chems was a bad idea, not to mention that she had to make them last until she could visit the local dealer. She turned and handed the box of pills to Jack, giving him a weak smile. "I appreciate your concern, but it's better for everyone if you just leave it alone..." Really it was just better for her. "I'll still work for you, though."